Stuff that sparks ideas or imagination for me.

Mildred’s House of Signage

Tracy Jo Seneca has been roaming the streets of Chicago with a camera in search of interesting, unusual and strange signs. My favorite so far: The Mexican Pagoda Sign. Kind of reminds me of a restaurant here in Indianapolis called the “Oriental Smorgasbord.” Also, Rosario’s Italian Sausage, where the pigs just happily jump into the meat grinder. Mmmmm. Sausage.

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Paper Airplanes

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Okay, we just had a paper airplane flying contest at work… from the third floor balcony down into the lobby, with the object to hit the center pole on the revolving doors, a distance of about 60 feet. AND I WON. Me! I won! All the guys were busy aerodynamically designing their planes and test flying them… and I just folded mine, threw it, and hit center pole exactly — no one else was even CLOSE! And I won the sum of all the entry fees, plus $100. That is so cool. Check out the winning design.
Also, we finally located a fake cardboard fireplace for the end of our hall, so now we have the warm and cozy thing going on at work. We even made a fake chimney and santa is jumping down it. Monday we’ll decorate and hang our stockings.
Be sure to go and vote for Barbie to be an architect on the site. I need a architect for my Barbie collection.

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Invisible libraries, fake band names, and gardens of forking paths

Funny and/or cool websites I’ve noticed lately:

Garden of Forking Paths
Welcome to the Garden of Forking Paths, one of the most intriguing areas of the Libyrinth of Allexamina. Here you will find access to the garden planted by J.L. Borges, the Argentine writer, poet and philosopher. Although I tend the garden as well as I can, beware: among these sprawling labyrinths you will find illusions most seductive and truths most elusive. Let me show you around.

The Invisible Library [link updated in 2013]
a catalog of “imaginary books, pseudobiblia, artifictions, fabled tomes, libris phantastica, and all manner of books unwritten, unread, unpublished and unfound.”
2011 Update: a Salon article on the idea of an “Invisible Library”

Rocklopedia Fakebandica
T h e U l t i m a t e F a k e B a n d L i s t

The Lipstick Librarian

You’ve seen her darting into the stacks in search of Moody’swearing Chanel knock-offs and Kenneth Cole shoes. You’ve glanced at her from the corner of your eye during conferences wolfing down free scones while decked in what you’d swear was last year’s Mizrahi. Or you’ve seen her with that Linda Evangelista-like pout and Oliver Peoples frames as the umpteenth person has asked her where the bathroom is. And you wonder, “who is that exquisitely attired woman and are my tax dollars paying for it?” Who is she? She’s a Lipstick Librarian!

Continue ReadingInvisible libraries, fake band names, and gardens of forking paths