Indoor home composting machine

I ran across this product on a design site I read regularly, because it get’s good reviews for usability. It’s a compost machine that you keep in the kitchen next to your trashcan.
Since Stephanie and I have been dating, I’ve moved toward recycling almost everything: aluminum cans go to a scrap metal place where we get money for them; glass, plastic and tin cans go the the recycling near the grocery store; and all paper products, including cardboard, cardstock, magazines, newspapers and office paper go to the drop-off on south West street. Per week, I’m down to a single kitchen-sized garbage bag and cat litter waste that goes to the dump. If I could compost my food waste, I’d be reducing even further, plus creating mulch for my flower beds.
Currently, my recycling is in the extra room downstairs near the back door, but when I get to finally have the kitchen I want, a recycling closet/pantry in the kitchen is a must-have item.

This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. Stephanie

    That looks so cool — we’ll have to get one eventually. At 10 lbs of dirt every two weeks, it would make enough for you to build up the grass by the sidewalk in no time!

  2. Jaq

    I can recommend vermiculture for composting from three years of personal experience. I’ve used a 50 gallon rubbermaid tub in the past, but this year bought a worm condo ( We have a separate bin for cat waste now, too.

  3. Steph Mineart

    How does one compost cat waste? Do you have to use a certain type of litter? This is something I should be looking into, since I have three feline poop machines in the house…

  4. Jaq

    We use the silica litter (litter pearls) that absorbs the urine and dries out the poop. We only compost the poop – the silica litter decomposes into sand. If you want to compost all of it, you’d have to use the litter made of pine or recycled paper – the clumping and clay-type litters don’t compost.

  5. Jaq

    I should add that the compost from pet waste is safe to use on ornamental plants and yards, but shouldn’t be used on edible crops because of potential pathogens.

  6. sj

    where do you take your aluminium for $?

  7. Stephanie

    Happy Scrap Co. at 3738 E. 11th St.

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