This came out of a discussion at work — who’s your favorite children’s book character?

Obviously, mine is Curious George, but there are lots on my list. Who is on yours?

This came out of a discussion at work — who’s your favorite children’s book character?
Obviously, mine is Curious George, but there are lots on my list. Who is on yours?
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I think I first sarted enjoying words when Amelia Bedelia came on my scene. 🙂
I’m not sure if it’s my favorite character from a children’s book, but the one I identify with most is The Wizard of Oz, probably because we both tend to hide who we truly are behind a curtain. Wil
Madeline, with Eloise a close second. Madeline is fun because she’s fearless and she has lots of adventures, and Eloise is the self-centered six-year-old diva in all of us.
peter pan?well,fantasy isnt for kids only right?imagine urself flying in a far away land and have fun while you left ur worries behind…right?