Weekend Update 2004-05-10

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I had a wonderful weekend. Didn’t accomplish that much around the house, but spent a lot of time with Stephanie. It was nice; helped us get over the stress of everything that happened earlier in the week.

I did take my old couch to the Solid Waste Removal Transfer Station. That was entertaining. It’s just south of the Lilly Technology center, and you pay $5 to drop off a truck load of stuff. You drive in around a little turn around, line up you trucks, and wait. One by one, they have you come in, back up to the edge of a drop-off, and throw you’re stuff out of the truck into a dumpster below. There were about 40 guys there, and me. It was a little strange.
Also, Spike went to the groomer’s on Sunday and got a hair cut. His hair grows so long around his face and eyes that it irritates his eyes and he rubs his eyes with his paws, so I needed someone to trim his hair. I had them cut his hair all over, though. I’ll definitely do it differently next time; he looks a little funny with really short hair. He looks too much like a chihuahua, and not enough like himself. He’s still my precious baby, though. 🙂
We saw Mean Girls on Sunday. That was cute and funny. The ending was pretty idealistic, but I guess that’s not to surprising for a movie.