Dining Out For Life – Thursday, April 14th

Dining Out for Life is an annual fundraising event held in 33 cities across America with all the proceeds benefiting respective HIV/AIDS organizations in their communities. On Thursday, April 14th, these fine restaurants will be contributing 25% of their food sales to The Damien Center. (The Damien Center provides and coordinates comprehensive services and education to persons living with or affected by HIV/AIDS in our community and offers free and confidential testing designed to limit the spread of HIV.)

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I bought an Xbox at lunch today. I got it used, but just barely. The guy who had it played it once and brought it back to exchange for the new Playstation 2. It’s the limited edition Halo box, which came with the Halo game and is transparent green. I also got a second controller and the game Fable. And Rachel loaned me a game Morrowind.
But another game I might want to get: Super Monkey Ball Deluxe.

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Poetic Justice: Road Rage Fun

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Stories of poetic justice are great, and they’re even better when they involve reckless SUV drivers on cellphones who get pulled over by cops for flipping people off, and even better than that when the victim has a digital camera with them to photograph the incident.

2019 Update: Aw, those happy golden years when cell phone cameras were a novelty and capturing people on camera in jackass mode was something that didn’t happen daily.

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Slow Food U.S.A.

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Recognizing that the enjoyment of wholesome food is essential to the pursuit of happiness, Slow Food U.S.A. is an educational organization dedicated to promoting stewardship of the land and ecologically sound food production; reviving the kitchen and the table as the centers of pleasure, culture, and community; invigorating and proliferating regional, seasonal culinary traditions; creating a collaborative, ecologically-oriented, and virtuous globalization; and living a slower and more harmonious rhythm of life.

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Red Marble Games (Mac video games)

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I got a free download of the Holiday Express video game (similar to a Tetris game) with my .mac account through Apple, and because I enjoyed it, I looked up the company that made it, Red Marble Games, and played a few of their other free demos. I ended up buying Digby’s Donuts, which is a lot of fun. You run a donut stand, and as the finished donuts are flipped through the air at you, you have to catch them on a tray and place them in a display case with other donuts of the same color. With out dropping them, and without shelving burned donuts. It’s hard to do.
The have a new game called Witch’s Yarn that seems really interesting. I may try the demo of it and other games such as slot gacor hari ini.

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April 22nd – My Surgery Date

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So my surgery will be April 22nd. From what Dr. Beckman and his staff told me, it won’t be nearly as difficult a recovery as I’ve been expecting from the reading I’ve been doing. I’ll only be in the hospital about 5 days. After that I will be home, but I won’t be bedridden. I’ll be able to be up and walking around, going up and down stairs, etc. in the first week after being in the hospital. Every day after that will be an improvement. They are still recommending that I take 6 weeks off work. There are restrictions on lots of upper body exercise for quite a while while my sternum heals. And it will take me 3 months before I’m completely healed. But I won’t be bedridden, which is the impression I had.

He said that it’s a 90% chance that this will only be a valve repair, not a replacement. They will know for sure once they’re in, but he says my chance is good for the repair. If that’s the case, I won’t need to be on anti-coagulant drugs, which means that I would be able to be on the Amazing Race. No, we didn’t specifically ask about that. 🙂

He and his staff were very upbeat and positive about the surgery, and made me feel much better about it.

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