Name five Things

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  • Post category:Memes

Stole this from Melissa’s Blog (of course, the answers are mine).
1. Name five things in your refrigerator. – Cheese curds, Michelob Ultra, Diet Dr. Pepper, Lettuce, Pot roast.
2. Name five things in your freezer. – Hot wings, hamburger, sausage patties, frozen green beans, frozen broccoli.
3. Name five things under your kitchen sink. – Mr Clean spray, sponges, Swiffer dusters, cleaning powder, Brillo pads.
4. Name five things around your computer. – iPod, headphones, post-its, blank CDs, sharpie pens.
5. Name five things in your medicine cabinet. – lipstick, foundation, eyeliner, mascara, blush.

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iPod/iSync — it’s a beautiful thing

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I just finished updating my address book on my laptop computer with all the names, addresses, phone numbers and e-mail addresses I currently have. Then I opened the iSync program, and it sync’ed up all my information with the address book on my iPod, and with the address book on my computer at home.
Now when I get a new e-mail address from someone at home, I can add it, and it will automagically show up on my address book at work. If someone gives me a phone number, I can enter it into my address book, and then look it up on my iPod in the car.
I still have a lot of information gaps where I’m missing someone’s address but have their other info, etc. But I’ll get that filled in eventually.
I love the Macintosh. I love iPod.

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Now I’ve read my Foucault like the best of them…

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  • Post category:Television

Tom Coates wins my heart as he shares his feelings about “The Queer Eye for the Straight Guy” phenomenon.
Notable Quotes: “Bollocks to happy gay people on TV, bollocks to the straight audiences, bollocks to the producers, bollocks to the bloody cameramen, bollocks to any passing trannies. Bollocks, if you will, to absolutely bloody everyone. I’m going to say this once and once only – and I hope it doesn’t come as too much of a shock to anyone: It’s not just Straight Eye for the Queer guy that will be patronising shit that sells an image of gayness that is damaging and frustratingly bland.”

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Things The White House wants to hide

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  • Post category:Politics

The robots.txt file for any site will tell search engines what directories or files to ignore on a website. Usually this is used to hide directories that are still under construction, or that have been moved or changed.
Check out the robots.txt file for the white house website to see a list of things that the White House has either removed from the site, or no longer wants the public to access.

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Massachusetts strikes down ban on equal marriage rights for gay people

The Massachusetts Supreme Court ruled that the ban on equal marriage rights for gay people was unconstituational, but didn’t go so far as to grant marriage licenses to the gay couples who filed the suit. Instead, it sent the issue back to the Massachusetts legislature, who will have 180 days to remedy the inequality of the law. What will probably happen is what happened in Vermont; a civil union law will be created that guarantees the protections of a marriage, without having the same status as marriage. So basically, we get out own water fountains and bathrooms.

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