Bush Administration

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I predicted that the Bush Administration is trying to figure out where they can try Saddam by putting out trial balloons via the Voice of America on the idea of him being tried in a military or U.S. court system, versus an international court. I was right about that.

They’re testing the idea of trying him here, or at least keeping him out of an international court.

As Billmon observes on this subject:

A military trial for Saddam would definitely seem to have its benefits: Limited, if any, media coverage. A limited discovery process. Limited testimony, limited cross-examination, a limited appeals process. In other words, the most favorable possible forum for keeping America’s own dirty laundry out of public view, and for denying Saddam a soap box to appeal to whatever support he still has left in Iraq.

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Sadaam Hussein was captured. Cool. I’m surprised they took him alive. Because now they have to put him on trial… and that will be interesting. I wonder how they’ll do it. It will have to be an international court.

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U.S. Marines execute an Iraqi to the cheers of fellow marines

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Video of Marines executing a wounded Iraqi prisoner after he was subdued and no longer a threat.

The Video clip was first posted by Information Clearing House, and subsequently aired on CNN October 26, 2003.

Quote from another military man about the video:

I too, am recently returned from seven months in Iraq, with a Division Cavalry unit. I see nothing to defend in that video and am glad that you have archived it so that others can see it. As a scout with over twenty years in the Army, mostly in combat units, I would say that what is captured on the video appears to be murder and in violation of the Law of Land Warfare.

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Idiot President tries to justify punishing other countries

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From the Washington Post:

The expenditure of U.S. dollars will reflect the fact that U.S. troops and other troops risk their life . . . ,” Bush said. “It’s very simple. Our people risk their lives. Coalition — friendly coalition folks risk their lives. And therefore, the contracting is going to reflect that. And that’s what the U.S. taxpayers expect.

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New Favorite Quote

Again from the Television Without Pity recap of Carnivale, this time from the season finale:

“Libby crosses the carnival to find Sofie hanging out by a tent, and they both kick off their date by lighting cigarettes. Flick…ahh. Then they stare deep into each other’s eyes and kiss. I think it’s kind of sad that I’m watching this on TV, and it’s still the best date I’ve ever been on.”

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Bush Punishes “anti war” countries by denying contracts

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The Pentagon will bar companies from France, Germany, Russia and other countries that opposed the war in Iraq from bidding on $18.6 billion in prime contracts for reconstruction of the country, according to a memo released yesterday.”
Of course, it’s okay that we’re asking these countries to send soldiers to die in Iraq, but they don’t get any money from it… only American companies. But that’s hardly surprising, since we went to war specifically to give these American companies money, not to “free the Iraqis” or to “rid the world of Saddam Hussein” or to “find weapons of mass destruction” or, wait what was the original reason we went to war? Oh, yeah… to “prevent terrorist activity.”

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Bush Administration Shields Christian Terrorists

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Salon Magazine has an article about Christian Terrorist Clayton Waagner, the man who was convicted last week of sending over 550 envelopes of fake anthrax letters to women’s health clinics across the country, including Planned Parenthood clinics here in Indianapolis. Prior to the anthrax threats, Waager had escaped prison where he was being held on weapons and stolen vehicle charges, and went on the run robbing banks, stalking women’s health clinics and preparing violent activities against doctors with other Christian terror cells before he was caught on the anthrax charges.

What’s interesting about all this is how Ashcroft’s Justice Department bent over backwards during Waagner’s trial to ensure that his terrorist past and connections to right-wing anti-abortions groups never got brought up, and to ensure that the media didn’t do any real coverage of Waagner’s trial or history. They also worked hard to downplay how much anguish and chaos the anthrax threats created for the people who received them.

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