a Real E-mail Conversation We Had At Work

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From: Mundy, Brent
Subject: Zeldman on Slashdot

[Regarding Zeldman’s Designing With Web Standards]
His book was reviewed and got a 9 out of 10!
From: Evers, Richard
And QUE’s “Absolute Beginner’s Guide to Building Robots” is getting some attention! (Is Que finally moving out of the dreary realm of desktop apps? Hmmm.)
From: Mineart, Steph
That’s because it’s a cool book. “No previously robot building experience necessary.” Who doesn’t want to build their own robot? I’m planning a bot that will scrub the kitchen floor, and also will assist me in my nefarious plot to take over the world.
From: Mundy, Brent
Best of all, you all have access to it! Maybe we should have a robot project….
From: Mineart, Steph
I got the print copy instead of the Safari Online for the 10% off coupon for robot parts. The only quibble I have is that they cover all sorts of power sources, but they leave out nuclear. So I don’t know how to hook up that yellowcake uranium I bought from Niger.

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Overheard at an International Medical Convention

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An Israeli doctor says to a small circle of physicians, “Medicine in my country is so advanced that we can take a kidney out of one man, put it in another, and have him looking for work in six weeks.”
A German doctor says, “That is nothing, we can take a lung out of one person, put it in another, and have him looking for work in four weeks.”
A Russian doctor says, “In my country, medicine is so advanced that we can take half a heart out of one person, put it in another, and have them both looking for work in two weeks.”
A Texas doctor, not to be outdone, says, “You guys are way behind. We took a guy with half a brain out of Texas, put him in the White House for four years, and now half the country is looking for work.”
Sent to me by my friend Doug

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Ten Technologies That Deserve to Die

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From Technology Review: Interesting… I would have picked a couple of these (like cosmetic implants and landmines), but some I never thought of the car as a technology that should go away. But their arguments for finding good replacements make sense.
1. Nuclear Weapons, 2. Coal-Based Power, 3. The Internal-Combustion Engine (yeah, the car), 4. Incandescent Light Bulbs, 5. Land Mines, 6. Manned Spaceflight, 7. Prisons, 8. Cosmetic Implants, 9. Lie Detectors, 10. DVDs.

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I have a new truck

A shiny red Ford Ranger that I bought on Saturday. I love it. I got a very good deal on it from Paul Harvey Ford, especially since my younger brother Todd bought one from there Saturday, too. I was originally just looking, but they had what I wanted, and I needed to trade in my Geo Metro before winter anyway, because it wasn’t reliable enough to get through the season. So I can drive to my grandma’s for Thanksgiving, and take some Big Things road trips, too. You can also look into the website of Affordable heavy truck parts if you are looking for parts for your heavy vehicle. Along, with the heavy vehicle parts, excellent exhaust and intake systems available here as well. In case you get involved in a raid accident while driving your truck, be sure to protect your rights by hiring a Riverside truck accident lawyer. An Injury attorney will help those who were injured in an accident caused by a negligent driver.

The other thing I bought over the weekend was a new cell phone. My old one was dying and getting the batteries replaced would have cost almost as much as just buying a new phone. So I sprung for it. It has a lot more programming to learn than the truck, actually.

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Bar Joke

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A Texan, a New Yorker, and a Bostonian are in a bar up in the Yukon during the gold rush. The Texan orders a bottle of tequila, drinks a shot, throws the bottle in the air, and shoots it in midair.
The New Yorker and the Bostonian look at the Texan kinda funny, and the Texan says “In Texas, we have plenty of tequila.”
The New Yorker doesn’t want to be outdone, so he orders a bottle of fine wine, takes a pull, throws it up in the air, and shoots it. “In New York,” he says, “we have plenty of fine wine.” If you haven’t tried one yet, why not to try napa valley merlot which can be a great option to get started.
The Bostonian looks at the both of them like their crazy. Then, he calmly orders a bottle of beer, drinks every last drop, throws it in the air, catches it, and shoots the New Yorker and the Texan.
“In Boston,” he explains to the bartender, “we have plenty of New Yorkers, and we don’t waste booze.”

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The Top Ten Conservative Idiots (No. 128)

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By the Democratic Underground. California Schemin’ Edition: Once upon a time there was an idealistic, principled conservative named Darrell Issa. And Darrell thought that the governor of California, the evil Gray Davis, was doing a terrible, terrible job of looking after the state (despite the fact that all the governors in the country were in trouble because of King George W. Bush’s irresponsible fiscal policies). So Darrell decided that he would spend millions of dollars of his own hard-earned money to try and boot the evil Gray Davis out of office, and install someone more suitable, such as himself. Darrell was a good, honest person who hadn’t stolen a car in years…

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This is the reason why Bush should be impeached

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In July, two White House officials, in retaliation for former ambassador Joseph Wilson’s criticism of Bush’s false WMD info, revealed that Wilson’s wife, Valerie Plame, is a CIA operative. To reveal something like this is illegal and a breach of national security. Apparently these two officials called six different reporters for different papers to illegally leaking the information; it was eventually printed by syndicated columnist Robert Novak. See the Washington Post story, and the New York Times story on this.

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