Dude, Where’s My Country?

Dude Where's My Country?
Dude Where’s My Country?
Michael Moore’s new book, Dude, Where’s My Country? is out at Amazon.com now, and if you buy it from my site, I get a kickback, much like Halliburton is getting from the war their pal Bush started in Iraq.

Quote from Amazon.com:

His book is intended to serve as a handbook for how people with liberal opinions (which is most of America, Moore contends, whether they call themselves “liberals” or not) can take back their country from the conservative forces in power. Moore uses his trademark brand of confrontational, exasperated humor skillfully as he offers a primer on how to change the worldview of one’s annoying conservative blowhard brother-in-law, and he crafts a surprisingly thorough “Draft Oprah for President” movement.

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Extreme Pumpkins.com – Pumpkin carving at its wildest!

At what point did the carving of pumpkins turn into a “cute” event? When did boys stop carving pumpkins and moms start? Where did we lose touch with one of the years coolest events?
Today we will seize back this ritual. Today is the day we throw away those safe, cute carving tools. Today. We will buy a big, ugly, pumpkin so large one man cannot lift or move it. Today. We will carve that sumbitch into something ugly and plop it on the front porch. October 31st we will light it brightly enough to give visiting children suntans.

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Joan of Arcadia

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The good folks at teevee.org do a much better job of reviewing the new TV show Joan of Arcadia than I was doing while trying to explain the show to my mom over the weekend. I like this show, and the best explanation I could come up with about why is that “She talks to God, and it’s a religious show without being cheesy.”
Their take:

In Joan’s world, God is working all around us, but on His terms. We don’t get to see any miracles. Human beings are the conduits for the causes that lead to effects. Bad things still happen to good people, and we don’t understand why. Yes, there is a strain of Samaritanism in Joan, and a whole lot of self-actualization. But the end result is something that’s also spiritual, serious, and searching. The characters of Joan of Arcadia are muddling through with their lives, trying to figure out what’s right and what’s wrong, trying to be good people. And in Joan’s case, trying to literally do what God says she should do. She gets it from the horse’s mouth, and it’s still not as easy as it sounds.

But do read the whole review; it’s quite good.

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Wash Me

I love fun photography sites… here’s a new one: Wash Me; photos of dirty cars where people have scrawled messages in the dirt. I should send them the one I took a few years back….

Car giving us the finger

Car giving us the finger

Speaking of fun photography sites, two of my favorites, Phoons, and Statue Molesters are still going strong.

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The Top Ten Conservative Idiots (No. 131)

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Courtesy of Democratic Underground, go read the whole list.
Highlights: This week, Bush wants to ease restrictions on the killing, capturing and importing of endangered species, because apparently he thinks this will increase the populations of endangered species. I’m not sure how that will work, but then I didn’t understand the whole “invade Iraq” logic, either… and gosh, look how well that turned out.
Clear Channel DJs are encouraging people to run cyclists off the road. Scary.
Also, Lt. Gen. William “Jerry” Boykin, the man responsible for finding Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden says of George Bush: “Why is this man in the White House? The majority of Americans did not vote for him. He’s in the White House because God put him there for a time such as this.” Double scary.

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Weekend Update 2003-10-20

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Friday night, I went to Kathy’s softball game and then went to girl’s game night at Outword Bound Bookstore, where we played electronic Scattegories and I bought a couple of CDs.

On Saturday, I got the tonneau cover put on my truck, and took donuts to the neighbors who were planting trees in the right of ways in various places in the neighborhood. I didn’t get back in time from the truck enhancements to really help them much. I guess they planted 27 trees this weekend, which is really cool. Then I ran up to Noblesville to shop and have lunch with my mom. I found some cool tin signs for the laundry room and bath room doors, so that people don’t have to ask which room is which any more.

Saturday night was Amy’s birthday party. We started off at Dan and Doug’s house and went to Talbott Street after that. It was a lot of fun and I’m glad we had a successful night out.

Sunday I was hung over and didn’t do anything except prune back the lilac bush in front of my house. I followed what the arborist said and cut it back to just before the first forks of each branch, but it looks like I scalped the tree. He assured me that it would grow back fine next spring, though, and it would bloom better. I hope he’s right.

I also got to meet Anne, the new owner of the house across the street, and she gave me a tour of the house, which is really pretty. It was really cool, and Anne seems very nice. I’m really excited about her and her husband moving in.

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My new favorite hate mail

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I get some good hate mail every now and then… This is my new favorite. Apparently god’s going to destroy the earth because of little old me. 🙂

your_email: hotchic01@hotmail.com
your_name: ashley
your_subject: George Bush
your_comment: You stupid fucking bitch. George W. Bush is the only reason you are still alive. FUCK YOU DUMB-ASS. and FUCK THE ACLU. Jesus hating freaks. That is why God will destroy the earth. Idiots like you. Hope you burn in hell.

Bush is the only reason I’m alive? That’s funny, I didn’t remember George being on the surgical team that took out my ruptured appendix. If he had been, I wouldn’t have been on that operating table! 🙂

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