Top ten queerest straight people

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  • Post category:GLBT Issues

Via the New York Press: “New York’s 10 queerest straight folk.

As more and more gay men and lesbians strive to become virtually normal—married, house in the suburbs, 2.5 children and wood-paneled station wagon—it’s worth pointing out that heterosexuals possessing queerness probably exhibit more tendencies once thought of as “gay” than many gay people.

10. Rabbi Philip Berg
9. Sam Waksal
8. George Soros
7. Rudy Giuliani
6. Ted Turner
5. Kenneth Cole
4. Robin Byrd
3. Liza Minnelli
2. Victor Calderone
1. Bill Clinton

Their number one pick: Bill Clinton. Don’t ask me.

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DVR and “the Office”

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  • Post category:Art

I got a Digital Video Recorder the other day as part of my regular digital cable package. I can record 50 hours of TV digitally using the program guide, record two shows at the same time, watch picture-in-picture, and various other cool things. This kicks ass. And fortunately is only a slight addition to my digital cable bill. Of course my digital cable bill was already pretty high, but this is definitely worth it.
One of the things I’ve been recording is “The Office” on BBCAmerica. That is a funny show, and you should watch it if you get the chance. And label the people on it with the names of folks from your office. I know I have.

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