Vacation update

Tuesday night I went out with Stephanie K. to see “13 Going on 30.” That was a fun little movie.
Wednesday, I did some gardening. Thursday morning, I hung around the house because the phone guy was coming to add phone jacks to the house. He told me I needed to have the Alarm guy come and redo the alarm wiring in the telephone box, because it was done badly. So I called the alarm company, and spend Thursday afternoon waiting for the alarm guy. He reworked the wiring for the phone and reset the delay on the back door, so my alarm works correctly. He also asked me out on a date. I told him I was seeing someone. Turns out, I am, so I wasn’t lying. I went out to Iaria’s Italian Restaurant with Stephanie K. for dinner. Eventually we got around to telling each other that we liked each other.

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Homestarrunner: A primer

I’ve mentioned this a few times on my site, but I just found out someone I know needs a basic introduction to, so here it is. Try not to blow soda out of your nose from laughing too hard.

Strong Bad

Essential viewing:
Welcome to (Check me out. No, seriously, check me out.)
a Jorb Well Done
Meet Marshie I hate that freaking marshmellow.
Lookin’ at a thing in a bag. (My favorite StrongBad cartoon ever.)
Strong Bad answers viewer mail.
The Cheat video
Draw a Dragon I said consumate V’s! Consumate!
Trogdor, the Burninator – Game
Japanese Cartoon

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Head Over Heels

Head over heels
Where should I go
Can’t stop myself
Outta control
Head over heels
No time to think
Looks like
The whole world’s out of sync
Been running so hard
When what I need is to unwind
The voice of reason
Is one I left so far behind
I waited so long
So long to play this part
And just remembered
That I’d forgotten about my heart
Head over heels
Where should I go
Can’t stop myself
Outta control
Head over heels
No time to think
Looks like
The whole world’s out of sync

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Magnetic Knife

One day I was out to lunch with my co-workers and I picked up my knife to cut something, and the fork stuck to it. The knife was magnetic. But only the table knife, not the fork or the spoon. And my knife was the only one that way, no one else at the table had a magnetic knife. We picked up other utensils, we picked up my keys… it was cool. So of course I stole the knife and took it back to work with me, because it was so strange. A couple of months later Jerrod found another one while out to dinner, and stole it for me, because — cool, two magnetic knives.

And one day a few weeks ago, we were at a steak house and found two magnetic knives at the table. Still no magnetic forks or spoons.

So of course, we’ve been theorizing, what causes the knives to become magnetic? And only the knives? Some unusual dishwasher phenomenon? I tested all the knives at home, and other than the two from the restaurant, none of my other knives are magnetic. And the two we stole from the restaurants still work great; they haven’t lost their magnetism at all.

I’ve tried searching around on the internet, but the only thing I could find with sites selling the magnetic strips that you put your cooking knives on. For a while, that was my theory about how the knives because magnetic, until I asked at one of the restaurants and they said they didn’t store their knives that way, they stored them with all the other silverware in racks.

So color me perplexed.

But I still think “Magnetic Knife” is a great band name.

Knife & Fork

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Friday Five, er… Four

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Since the old school “Friday Five” seems to be out of commission for a while, I’m ushering in the fresh new “Friday Four” from a nice guy I happen to know.
Q: If you were able to leave your present job today in order to start your own business tomorrow, what type of business would you start?
Circus! No, maybe, fortune teller! Organ grinder!! Then I’d get to have a monkey.
Q: Do you have a regular rotation for the clothes you wear to work, or are you a fashionista–the type who wouldn’t even consider wearing the same outfit within the same “x” number of days?
I have a lot of clothes. I have favorite stuff I love to wear, and stuff that I wear when my favorite stuff is in the wash. I try not to wear the same outfit within 7 days. Technically, I could go for 17 days without wearing any article of clothing more than once… because I have 17 pairs of underwear. TMI?
Q: What’s the largest crowd you’ve ever been a part of?
Toss up between the Indy 500 race crowd, and the 1993 March on Washington for Gay and Lesbian Rights, which clocked in at 1 million +.
Q: What’s in the trunk of your car right now? If not your trunk, then how about in the back seat?
Err, I have a truck… but in the bed right now are cement garden border blocks I bought at Lowe’s the other day.

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Social Events

Tonight I’m hosting the book club night for our reading group at work.
On Saturday, I’m hosting the girls game night/pitch in at my house.
On Friday, May 14th, I’m hosting the regular lesbian monthly pitch-in at my house.
And on Sunday, May 16th, I’m hosting the Lesbian book club at my house.
I’m so happy to have my living room.

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