Republicans Dress Up as Gay Outside Florida Polls

In an attempt to discourage black voters from voting Democrat on Sunday, Republicans dressed up as “gay” and “abortion rights” advocates and held provocative signs outside polling places as black voters went to the polls after Church this Sunday.

Read more about other Republican voter suppression tactics here:


GOP demands IDs of 37,000 in Milwaukee

Daily Kos’s Big List of GOP Voter Suppression Attempts

And on the bright side, a court decided in Ohio that people attempting to intimidate voters into not voting by challenging their status is unconstitutional.

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Having Trouble Voting?

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Source: Fast Company “Trouble voting? Call or text these 3 resources to report election problems now

Call, text, or visit these resources:

Election Protection – 866 Our Vote
This is a coalition made up of voting-rights and civil-rights groups. Its hotline is 866-OUR-VOTE. USA Today reported earlier that it expects thousands of calls before the day is over. In addition to calling the number, you can also text OUR VOTE to 97779 to report an issue.

This resource from the Pew Charitable Trusts partnered with ProPublica to monitor issues related to voter access. You can report an issue by texting VOTE or VOTA (for Spanish) to 81380. You can also report an issue to this group using WhatsApp or Facebook.

The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ).
This is not the most user-friendly interface (few government websites are), but voters can and should report issues to the federal government, especially rights violations. The DOJ has an online form where you can file a complaint if you believe your voting rights have been violated.

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Minority Voter Intimidation

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Salon has an interesting article on the common Republican election tactic of voter intimidation, where they send people into minority areas to discourage people from registering to vote or voting on election day.

There have been recent reports of this type of action in Florida surrounding voter registration, where election officials sent police to the homes of elderly minority voters in a thinly-veiled “fraud” investigation.

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