U.S. eyes proposal to draft women, raise cut off age to 34

WASHINGTON – The chief of the U.S. Selective Service System has proposed registering women for the military draft and requiring that young Americans regularly inform the government about whether they have training in niche specialties needed in the armed services.

The proposal, which the agency’s acting director Lewis Brodsky presented to senior Pentagon officials just before the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq, also seeks to extend the age of draft registration to 34, up from 25.

Please note that this would not only keep my younger brother Gary eligible for the draft, but make my sister Stacy and my brother Scott eligible as well. Let’s all keep this in mind when voting tomorrow.

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U.S. Marines execute an Iraqi to the cheers of fellow marines

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Video of Marines executing a wounded Iraqi prisoner after he was subdued and no longer a threat.

The Video clip was first posted by Information Clearing House, and subsequently aired on CNN October 26, 2003.

Quote from another military man about the video:

I too, am recently returned from seven months in Iraq, with a Division Cavalry unit. I see nothing to defend in that video and am glad that you have archived it so that others can see it. As a scout with over twenty years in the Army, mostly in combat units, I would say that what is captured on the video appears to be murder and in violation of the Law of Land Warfare.

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