2009 Fall TV Season

Checking out EW’s cheat sheet of when the fall TV shows premiere, — either they left shows off here (Lost is the only one I noticed missing) or I just don’t watch that much TV anymore. My selections this year:

Wednesday, September 9:
Glee, 9 p.m. (Fox)

Thursday, September 17:
Bones, 8 p.m. (Fox)
The Office, 9 p.m. (NBC)
Parks and Recreation, 8:30 p.m. (NBC)

Monday, September 21:
Castle, 10 p.m. (ABC)
How I Met Your Mother, 8 p.m. (CBS)

Thursday, September 24:
The Mentalist, 10 p.m. (CBS)

Sunday, September 27:
Desperate Housewives, 9 p.m. (ABC)

Thursday, October 15:
30 Rock, 9:30 p.m. (NBC)

7 hours of TV a week (8 with Lost)? That’s tame compared to years previous. Ah, I notice Ugly Betty is missing, too. How ever will I get all my knitting done? I guess I’ll have to go read books.

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Tina Fey as Sarah Palin on SNL

In the comments on MetaFilter, posted by Naberius:

Oh my god. OH MY GOD! I see the way clear to a better future. We vote in John McCain. Then, stay with me, stay with me… we KIDNAP SARAH PALIN AND REPLACE HER WITH TINA FEY!!

She’d totally pull it off. She’s perfect. If Sarah Palin’s not standing right next to her, you’d totally believe it’s her. Once she’s sworn in, we just wait for McCain to keel over, and PRESIDENT TINA FEY!! How fucking cool would that be? Imagine a President that’s not just the best of a bad lot, but one you’re actually head over heels in love with. Like Katharine Hepburn in Philadelphia Story in love.

It’s destiny. This is why Tina Fey was born looking like she does. Her moment has come to rise up and save her country.

Wow, I see it now. The future can be so much more than this. Anything can happen. Anything at all. It’s so beautiful.

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My reality show concept: Celebrity Karaoke Roulette

Shakespeare’s Sister question of the day the other day was: “You’ve been given unlimited resources and creative control to create your own contest reality show (a la Project Runway) or game show: What’s your concept?”

I’ve had this one rolling around in my head: Celebrity Karaoke Roulette.

Take five famous musicians, throw them up on stage with microphones, hit shuffle on the karaoke machine, and make one of them sing whatever song comes up. Rate them on best performance, and whomever “wins” gets money for their favorite charity. In between, they could perform one of their own songs or promote their album.

It would give artists a chance to promote a recent album, let out-of-the-spotlight celebrities make a comeback, promote a worthy cause, give us a slew of interesting covers to listen to by people who are already established as good singers, and perhaps be comedic as well if they screw up a performance.

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