links for 2010-01-22
You don't have to win, we were told at the positive-discipline workshop. Your child is not damaged, morally, if your child wins, if the battle is withdrawn, or, better yet, never joined. Our culture has viewed parenthood in terms of decisive moments, but it's better to view it in terms of development, as a continual process, and to be in it for the long haul. Nothing lies like the moment of truth, and if there's no powerlessness, then there are fewer power struggles.
CREDO Action is partnering with the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force to make sure the census counts everyone. Order your sticker now and use it to seal the back of your census envelope when it arrives in the mail.
Tea Party leader engages in rape & terrorist acts, yet strangely the GOP isn't freaking out and blaming Obama.
I have a friend who works for SAS – that's pretty excellent.