links for 2010-01-29
Bookmarking because I needed this: "Create a twisted drop stitch: Insert needle into the stitch as if to knit. Instead of wrapping the yarn around the back needle to create a regular knit stitch, wrap yarn around both needles and then wrap around the back needle. Complete stitch as you would normally."
Sadly, they missed the most important one – the slow learners who don't know how to hide Farmville or block invites, and instead bitch about how many Farmvile updates they get. Oh, wait, the author is one of those idiots.
Evan Bayh is in for the shock of his political life during his next political primary.
"Rudy Giuliani took to the airwaves this morning pounding on Obama for not using the word "terrorism" and for not mentioning the Flight 253 incident in his SOTU — except, well, Obama did in both instances." – Someone needs to start suing media personalities for these kinds of outright lies. This sort of crap shouldn't stand.
He was a really good guy.
Maddow on Obama Spending Freeze: Completely Insane
I gotta say, I agree with her. It’s crazy and it’s not gonna work.
Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
Health Care Reform passes Senate
WASHINGTON – Senate Democrats passed a landmark health care bill Thursday that could define President Barack Obama’s legacy and usher in near-universal medical coverage for the first time in the country’s history.You can also see this here.
The 60-39 vote on a cold Christmas Eve morning capped months of arduous negotiations and 24 days of floor debate. It also followed a succession of failures by past congresses to get to this point. Vice President Joe Biden presided as 58 Democrats and two independents voted “yes.” Republicans unanimously voted “no.”
The tally far exceeded the simple majority required for passage.The Senate’s bill must still be merged with legislation passed by the House before Obama could sign a final bill in the new year. There are significant differences between the two measures but Democrats say they’ve come too far now to fail.
The legislation would ban the insurance industry from denying benefits or charging higher premiums on the basis of pre-existing medical conditions. The Congressional Budget Office predicts the bill will reduce deficits by $130 billion over the next 10 years, an estimate that assumes lawmakers carry through on hundreds of billions of dollars in planned cuts to insurance companies and doctors, hospitals and others who treat Medicare patients.
Like a lot of other Democrats, I’m concerned about this bill and whether the lack of a public option will keep costs of health insurance and restless legs syndrome cannabis treatments down. But it certainly is historic, and I’m not an expert on insurance, so I can only hope for the best.
links for 2009-10-09
I made up my own pattern for mine and it came out well, but these are more polished that mind and I think I'll make one like this, too.
In an article published on Wednesday, The Times reported on Michelle Obama’s ancestry, tracing her maternal line back to her great-great-great-grandparents, a slave girl and a white man, and their son, Dolphus T. Shields, who was born in the 1850s.
A map illustrating where your state falls on the healthcare scorecard. Indiana is in the lowest chunk of data, Iowa ranks third. More reason to move back to Iowa.
Actually, your cat is not LOL. Your cat is just average. Sorry.
The first definition is the most familiar: one who reads, or one who is fond of reading. A young girl tucked under a tree with a book in hand; an old man waiting for the bus, nose pressed into the spine; three little boys sitting on the curb sharing a newspaper, ink smudged on their knees.