Niagara Falls, China Town & Kensington Market

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Thursday we drove to Niagara Falls to site-see, which was fun. I really had a much different picture in my head of what the falls were like, most from the show “Wonderfalls” which I want to see again now that I’ve been there. It was overcast on the drive there, but cleared up when we arrived so we have some nice sunny pictures of the falls.

Yesterday we hopped on a streetcar and rode down a couple of stops to shop in Chinatown and Kensington Market. Kensington has tons of vintage clothing shops and sidewalk cafes. It was a sunny day and 90 degrees. Crazy hot. We bought a few things here and there, and some gifts for friends. We should definitely get on of those Chinatowns for Indianapolis. Heh.

In the evening, we hopped on the subway north several stops and visited our friend Carolyn, who made dinner for us. And we had birthday cake. It was terrific.

Photo Set: Our Honeymoon, Day 4.

Photo Collection: Wedding and Honeymoon Photos

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