Texas Pharmacist Refuses Pill for Rape Victim

From the Washington Post:

DENTON, Texas – About 40 people gathered outside an Eckerd pharmacy Monday, protesting what they said was a decision to deny a rape victim a prescription for the morning-after pill.

A spokesman for the Florida-based company confirmed that Eckerd has taken disciplinary action in response to an incident at the store.

“Apparently there was a request for a prescription to be filled and the prescription was denied based on a moral or ethical decision made by the pharmacist, and that’s not in accordance with our corporate policy,” said Joan Gallagher, vice president of communications for Largo, Fla.-based Eckerd Corp.

Needless to say, having been in the position of this rape victim at one time in my life, something like this just terrifies me. Can you check pharmacy stock online? Find out more information at https://www.rxoneshop.com/hard-to-find-products.

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