I’m starting a new service where I illustrate people’s dreams from last night.
From my friend:
Last night’s dream: I was an astronaut and was in Japan (which looked like a futuristic Glendale Mall). I bought a training manual and a sandwich, but hadn’t learned yen-to-dollars yet, so I paid $60 USD for the two. I still had my big poof of hair and had concerns about fitting it under my helmet. There was also something about a bear, and, towards the end, a conversation with a friend in New Orleans about his newborn. I can’t even begin to analyze that mess.
I happened to be looking on etsy.com for a daniel striped tiger hand puppet (don’t ask – I’ll get around to explaining it later) and stumbled on this really marvelous artist’s store – Little Robot – AKA Lindsey Carr.
a site dedicated to the world’s two best ingredients. If you want to win my heart, give me something with chocolate and peanut butter. Nom nom nom nom nom.
My friend Maxine Dangerous is one of the funniest cartoonists I’ve ever read, and she’s drawing this stuff in Microsoft Paint, which is probably the part I appreciate the most. I can only imagine what she would do with Illustrator. Today’s episode made me laugh out loud.
And another one of my very favorites.
Which really just proves that it’s not the tools, it’s the creative mind behind them.
The Hermit Tarot CardSeveral years ago, I had my tarot cards read. This was before I knew much about what the Tarot was, and I didn’t realize there were many decks, etc. and different interpretations. Keep in mind that I’m a bit practically-minded and this is something I think is fun, but about on the same scale as playing with a Ouiji board or doing “light as a feather, stiff as a board” at slumber party.
The deck this person reading my tarot was using was, unbeknownst to me, The Alchemical Tarot illustrated by Robert M. Place, and it was a spectacular design, beautifully illustrated. Since then, I’ve had people read my Tarot, and seen other decks, but that original reading sticks in my mind because the artwork was so beautiful. Some of the other decks I’ve seen aren’t as appealing to my aesthetic.
There’s a great site that showcases dozens of Tarot Decks called Aeclectic Tarot. They also explain what each of the 78 cards in a Tarot deck mean, and they included the The Alchemical Tarot that I’ve been looking for. They also had a link to Robert M. Place’s website called The Alchemical Egg Robert M Place Tarot where I discovered he has done some other Tarot decks, including one based on the Saints, and one based on Angels.
These are a lot more fun to look at and interpret, because they’re so well designed.