September 20th, 2002

Everybody seems to be remarking on the 1-year anniversary of the tornado that struck Indianapolis. I tend to remember the date because it was day I learned that my cat Idgie was dying. I had to have her put to sleep the next day.


I sat down today with Dru and Huck and Annabelle and petted all of them and talked to them about Idgie.

Dru, hiding under the bed.
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Missing Idgie, and visiting Spike

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Whenever I’m home, I hear a noise, and think it’s Idgie. I start to look around, and then I remember. When I walk in the door after work, I open the door and say, “I’m home!” to the cat. I didn’t realize I did that every day until last night when I did it, and nobody came running. This is freaking me out.

I went over yesterday and played with Spike. He’s way too little to come home with me, but Jim, the guy who’s giving him to me, wants me to take him next Monday. That freaks me out worst than I’m already freaked out, because he’s too small to be away from his mom, and I don’t want to leave him alone all day. I want him, but I’m scared to death I’ll screw up and he’ll get sick or something. I think I’m going to try to take a week of vacation when I first bring him home so he can get used to me and the house.

Spike with siblings
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Goodby, Idgie

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I had to put Idgie to sleep this morning. There was nothing they could do for her; her kidneys were already in failure and they couldn’t operate. I just lost my best friend.

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My cat Idgie is very sick

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My cat Idgie is very sick. It appears from x-rays that she had kidney stones. She’s staying at the vet’s tonight, and tomorrow we have to have another x-ray to make sure that’s what the problem is. If so, I may have to have her put to sleep.

Idgie and Me
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My Cat Hates You

Considering my cat Idgie, you would think this website [] is actually by me. But it’s not. Although my cat will probably be on it soon, when I send in a photo.
I thought it might be true, but it’s nice to have facts and figures to support your personal observations – a study by professor John Cowley indicates that beautiful people are paid more than people who are “ugly” or considered overweight.

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I’m about half-way moved into the new place and have been staying there for a while; my sister is staying at the old apt with the cat, who’s birthday I missed (the cat’s not the sister’s) in all the hoopla of moving. Fortunately, she can’t read the calendar, so if I give her a bunch of catnip tonight, she’ll never know any difference. Again, giving catnip to the cat not the sister. Although, who knows, maybe Stacy’d like some catnip, too.

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Idgie keeps attacking Texas

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Idgie keeps attacking Texas. I have magnets of all the States I’ve been to on my refrigerator (reproducing the map of the U.S., of course) and the cat keeps attacking and stealing Texas (not because it’s the lowest; she can reach them all.) She never goes after Oklahoma, or Arkansas. Just Texas. I think it’s a Bush protest.

We got the Diversity Library moved yesterday to it’s new location at Central Christian Church. It’s going to be a neat place.

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