2339 Penn

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A couple blocks north of me, my neighbors have been renovating their historic home and have done a lot of excellent research on the history of it. This was one of the homes that was up on wheels and moved around when they were redoing the Fall Creek Place neighborhood.

I didn’t know that at one time, before September 11, 2001, the government was considering building a new Indiana governor’s mansion in the 2400 block of Pennsylvania St. The plans fell by the wayside after the WTC attacks because the money was diverted elsewhere. That would have kicked ass, though. But that affected this house…

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Living Room Update

So this past weekend, Kathy and I got some work done on the living room. Also, I had a legal-sized, four drawer file cabinet delivered so I can finally sort out and organize all my financial and legal paperwork and generally get my life in order. It was a pretty good weekend.

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