Bush Quietly Prepares to Reinstate Draft

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The Pentagon is quietly moving to fill draft board vacancies nationwide, in preparation to reinstate the draft after the election next year. A document regarding the move was published on the Defend America website, which is maintained by the government, but when controversy started about it, the page was removed. You can see a copy of it here.

In addition to filling draft boards, the Selective Service’s agency puts draft in budget; financial plans are to have the draft up and functioning by June 15, 2005.

Salon article on this topic.

An anti-Bush, anti-draft website that has compiled more information.

Local news outlets around the country pick up the story.

San Antonio news gets it.

Alabama publishes the information

An editorial with more comprehensive info on what this means.

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Bush Administration

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I predicted that the Bush Administration is trying to figure out where they can try Saddam by putting out trial balloons via the Voice of America on the idea of him being tried in a military or U.S. court system, versus an international court. I was right about that.

They’re testing the idea of trying him here, or at least keeping him out of an international court.

As Billmon observes on this subject:

A military trial for Saddam would definitely seem to have its benefits: Limited, if any, media coverage. A limited discovery process. Limited testimony, limited cross-examination, a limited appeals process. In other words, the most favorable possible forum for keeping America’s own dirty laundry out of public view, and for denying Saddam a soap box to appeal to whatever support he still has left in Iraq.

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How did a reporter penetrate British Security?

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Easy; he apparently just applied for a job as a Palace footman a few months earlier. And the British public is shocked: if security surrounding Bush is supposed to be so tight, how did this guy get within assassination range of George Bush and the Queen? Well… the answer to that is easy too. The security has nothing to do with keeping Bush or the Queen SAFE. It has to do with keeping the British Stop Bush Protestors out of the public’s eye, and keeping Bush from seeing how many of them oppose him. This is, after all, the “know nothing” president who refuses to read the papers and gets all his news through screened briefings from his staff.

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Chasing Bush: Red Letter Day

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Today is the day massive protests will occur in Great Britain, with the culmination being a protest in Trafalgar Square where protesters will topple an effigy of George Bush in emulation of the staged statue toppling that occurred in Iraq.

Check out the Chasing Bush website for all the international news that’s getting missed due to the bombing in Istabul and the arrest of Michael Jackson.

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Democrats no longer allowed to ask questions

Via the Washington Post, here’s something you should be seeing more prominently discussed in the news:

The Bush White House, irritated by pesky questions from congressional Democrats about how the administration is using taxpayer money, has developed an efficient solution: It will not entertain any more questions from opposition lawmakers.

The decision — one that Democrats and scholars said is highly unusual — was announced in an e-mail sent Wednesday to the staff of the House and Senate Appropriations Committees. House committee Democrats had just asked for information about how much the White House spent making and installing the “Mission Accomplished” banner for President Bush’s May 1 speech aboard the USS Abraham Lincoln. The director of the White House Office of Administration, Timothy A. Campen, sent an e-mail titled “congressional questions” to majority and minority staff on the House and Senate Appropriations panels. Expressing “the need to add a bit of structure to the Q&A process,” he wrote: “Given the increase in the number and types of requests we are beginning to receive from the House and Senate, and in deference to the various committee chairmen and our desire to better coordinate these requests, I am asking that all requests for information and materials be coordinated through the committee chairmen and be put in writing from the committee.”


It’s saying we’re not going to allow the opposition party to ask questions about the way we use tax money,” said R. Scott Lilly, Democratic staff director for the House committee. “As far as I know, this is without modern precedent.

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A flood of red ink

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I don’t know if you’ve read ever read much of The Economist, but it’s not a liberal magazine. To say the least. Which makes this article on the Bush economy really interesting reading to me.

More sober analysts are also worried. In their most recent poll, members of the National Association of Business Economists described the federal deficit as the biggest problem facing America’s economy. A bipartisan coalition of three economic think-tanks–the Committee for Economic Development, the Concord Coalition and the Centre on Budget and Policy Priorities–recently declared that, without a change in course, the next decade might be the “most fiscally irresponsible” in the country’s history.”

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How Democrats see George W. Bush

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Salon: Why Dean and Franken are so hot right now

And what is the temper of the Democratic Party base? They loathe Bush and everything he stands for — he’s become a lightning rod for dark and febrile passions in the same way Bill Clinton was (and is) for the GOP core. It’s not just his harebrained ideological nostrums for how to reorder America and the world. They hate him and it’s personal. They hate his frat-boy smirk, his phony fly-boy act, his cringe-inducing mangling of the language, his born-again sanctimony, even his Texas twang and his godforsaken, tumbleweed ranch where only someone as fence-post-dumb as W. would hole up in August. They hate him like their lives depended on it, lives that will certainly be unbearable if this bumbling extremist is reelected (or elected) in 2004.

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We did say “major.” I swear we did.

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In his May 1 speech on the USS Abraham Lincoln, Bush declared: “Combat operations in Iraq have ended.” The white house posted a transcript of the speech stating this with the headline “President Bush Announces Combat Operations in Iraq Have Ended.”

Now, however, the White House is backing off that statement, saying that they meant “major” combat operations are ended, but there is still combat going on in Iraq, and they’re editing the website to insert the word “major” before the word combat throughout the site. Unfortunately there are records of the original wording on the website. Revisionist historians, indeed. Someone explain Caching to our poor confused president.

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Bush’s September 11 “Clean Air” Lie

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An investigation by the Environmental Protection Agency’s inspector general has found that White House officials instructed the agency to be less alarming and more reassuring to the public in the first few days after the Sept. 11 attacks, The New York Times reports in its Saturday editions.

The investigation specifically cites official statements about air quality after the collapse of the World Trade Center.

The agency “did not have sufficient data and analyses” to make a “blanket statement” when it announced seven days after the attack that the air around ground zero was safe to breathe, the Times quotes the report as saying.

“Competing considerations, such as national security concerns and the desire to reopen Wall Street, also played a role in E.P.A.’s air quality statements,” the report, which has not yet been made public, said.

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