Be Careful What You Wish For…

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Author Unknown

Three guys are out having a relaxing day fishing. Out of the blue, they catch a mermaid who begs to be set free in return for granting each of them a wish.

Now one of the guys just doesn’t believe it, and says: "OK, if you can really grant wishes, then double my I.Q." The mermaid says: "Done."

Suddenly, the guy starts reciting Shakespeare flawlessly and analyzing it with extreme insight.

The second guy is so amazed he says to the mermaid: "Triple my I.Q." The mermaid says: "Done."

The guy starts to spout out all the mathematical solutions to problems that have been stumping all the scientists of varying fields: physics, chemistry, etc.

The last guy is so enthralled with the changes in his friends,that he says to the mermaid: "Quintiple my I.Q." The mermaid looks at him and says: "You know, I normally don’t try to change people’s minds when they make a wish, but I really wish you’d reconsider."

The guy says: "Nope, I want you to increase my I.Q. times five, and if you don’t do it, I won’t set you free." "Please," says the mermaid "You don’t know what you’re asking…it’ll change your entire view on the universe…won’t you ask for something else…a million dollars, anything?" But no matter what the mermaid said, the guy insisted on having his I.Q. increased by five times it’s usual power. So the mermaid sighed and said: "Done."

And he became a woman.

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A Man with an Ostrich and a Cat

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Author Unknown

A bloke in Australia walks up to the bar with a big ostrich behind him, and as he sits, a small cat jumps up on the stool beside him. The barman comes over, regarding the trio with some curiosity, and says, "What’ll it be?" The man says, "I’ll have a pint", and turns to the ostrich, "What’s yours?" "I’ll have a pint as well." says the ostrich. Bloke looks at the cat, and says, "I suppose you want a drink, too." The cat replies, "I’ll have a half, but I ain’t payin’!" So the barman pulls two and a half pints, and says, "That’ll be three pounds forty, please." The man reaches into his pocket, feels around, and, to the barman’s surprise, pulls out exactly the three-forty in change.

A while later, the same thing happens, and the man pulls the exact amount out of the same pocket. The next day, the man, the ostrich, and the cat return to the same bar. "I’ll have a pint," says the man. "Same for me," says the ostrich. The cat orders up a half and says, "But I ain’t payin’!" Repeat of yesterday. The bloke pays each time with the exact amount from his pocket.

This becomes almost a regular routine until, late one evening, the trio enter again. "The same?" asks the barman. "Well," says the man, "it’s close to last orders. I’ll have a large scotch." He turns to the ostrich enquiringly. The bird says, "I’ll have a large scotch as well." The cat says, "I’ll have a small scotch…but I ain’t payin’!" The barman rings up the drinks and turns, with a sly grin, "That’ll be seven pounds twenty, please." To his amazement, the man pulls the exact seven and twenty out of his pocket.

As the trio are finishing their drinks, the barman can’t contain his curiosity any longer. "Excuse me, sir, but before you leave there’s something I must know…how do you manage to always come up with the exact change out of your pocket…every time?" "Well", says the man, "it’s a long story. But basically, several years ago I took care of an old lady well into her nineties, and when she died, she left me her old house. Nothing special, but as I was cleaning out the attic, I found an old lamp, and when I rubbed it, this genie appeared and offered me two wishes." "That’s fantastic," says the barkeep, "What did you wish for?"

"If I ever need to pay for anything, I just put my hand in my pocket and the right money will always be there." "That’s brilliant," says the barman, "most people would wish for a million pounds or something, but you’ll always be as rich as you want for as long as you live." "That’s right, whether its a quart of milk or even a Rolls Royce, the exact money is always there. The best thing I ever did!"

As he turns to go, the barman calls him back and says, "One last thing, sir… err, your friends there… we don’t get many cats or ostriches drinkin’ in here…?" The man looks glum. "Yes, I know. That’s probably the worst thing I ever did, but I’m stuck with ’em. You see, for my second wish from the genie, I asked for a chick with long legs and a tight pussy."

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Author Unknown

A guy has been traveling on business all day. He checks into a hotel and tells the man behind the desk he needs a single room for the night.

As the clerk fills out the paperwork the man sees this beautiful girl sitting in the lobby. He tells the clerk to wait while he disappears into the lobby. A few minutes later he comes back with the girl on his arm.

"Fancy meeting my wife here," he tells the clerk, "what a surprise, this is my wife and I’ll now need a double room for the night instead."

The next morning he comes down to settle the bill and finds it to be over $3,000.

"What’s the hell’s the meaning of this? I was only here one night," the man tells the clerk.

"Yes, but your wife has been here for 3 weeks," The clerk replies.

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Good Music

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Author Unknown

Jerry is hired to play his trumpet on the score of a movie, and he’s excited. He’s especially thrilled because he got to take two long solos. After the sessions, which went great, Jerry can’t wait to see the finished product. He asked the producer where and when he could catch the film.

A little embarrassed, the producer explained that the music was for a porno flick that will be out in a month, and he told Jerry where he can go to see it.

A month later, Jerry, with his collar up and wearing glasses, went to the theater where the picture is playing. He walked in and sat way in the back, next to an elderly couple who also seem to be disguised and hiding.

The movie started, and it was the filthiest, most perverse porno flick ever…group sex, S&M, golden showers…and then, halfway through, a dog got in on the action.

Before anyone could blink an eye, the dog has had sex with all the women, in every orifice; and most of the men. Embarrassed, Jerry turned to the old couple and whispered, "I’m only here for the music."

The woman turned to Jerry and whispered back, "We’re here to see our dog."

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Dinner With Mom

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Author Unknown

John invited his mother over for dinner. During the meal, his mother couldn’t help noticing how attractive and shapely the housekeeper was. Over the course of the evening, she started to wonder if there was more between John and the housekeeper than met the eye. Reading his mom’s thoughts, John volunteered, "I know what you must be thinking, but I assure you, my relationship with my housekeeper is purely professional."

About a week later, the housekeeper came to John and said, "Ever since your mother came to dinner, I’ve been unable to find the beautiful silver gravy ladle. You don’t suppose she took it, do you?" John said, "Well, I doubt it, but I’ll write her a letter just to be sure." So he sat down and wrote:

"Dear Mother, I’m not saying you ‘did’ take a gravy ladle from my house, and I’m not saying you ‘did not’ take a gravy ladle. But the fact remains that one has been missing ever since you were here for dinner."

Several days later, John received a letter from his mother which said:

"Dear Son, I’m not saying that you ‘do’ sleep with your housekeeper, and I’m not saying that you ‘do not’ sleep with your housekeeper. But the fact remains that if she was sleeping in her own bed, she would have found the gravy ladle more than a week ago.

Love, Mom"

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College Glossary

Author Unknown

The notation generally following your name in a class record.

Where they take you to get you to admit you’ve mooned the keynote speaker during "new student weekend."

One of those classes that sounds vaguely risque until you find out what it REALLY involves.

A class located suspiciously near the cafeteria.

BOOK: (n)
A depository of knowledge which a student will try to stay awake long enough to read the night before finals.

A large container in which students store candy bars, gum, combs, little slips of paper with phone numbers on them, yo-yos, sunglasses, student I.D.s, loose change, magazines, & (occasionally)

from Latin "cafe" ("place to eat")
and "teria" ("to wretch").

One of the four basic food groups.

CALL: (v)
What you can’t do because your stupid roommate has to go over every stupid detail of every stupid day with their stupid hometown sweetheart.

COACH: (n)
A teacher who rewards successful "students" with a new Corvette.

How students in southern universities call dogs named "Laude."

D-MINUS: (n)
A pretty good grade.

DORM: (n)
Student residence located only a few convenient miles from 8 a.m. classes.

A small closet-like area inhabited by a pair of incompatible people.

Money you allocate each month for movies and magazines.

1) (n) A brainy student who studies all the time and gets straight A’s.
2) (n) That same student once you’ve dropped eggs on him from the roof of the science lab.

What you wish you had on your credit card.
F: (n)
A grade that can usually be altered to look like a "B" on a test paper.

The team that everybody supports, but nobody goes to watch.

What members of sororities or fraternities wear on their headas.

A small, thin person working in the cafeteria kitchen.

KLUTZ: (n)
What you discover your lab partner is when you ask him to slowly pour the sulfuric acid into the beaker you’re holding.

LAB: (n)
A room full of icky, funny-looking creatures and the dead frogs they dissect.

Scholarship athletes who proudly wear letter sweaters proclaiming the vowel or consonant they have mastered.

See: "Would you like fries with that?"

Any area in a dorm, union or classroom building where the only furniture that isn’t soiled, ripped or scarred is immediately stolen.

MAJOR: (n)
Area of study that no longer interests you.

What you make popcorn in.

The sinking feeling you get when introduced to the person your roomie fixed you up with because "the two of you are so much alike."

Generally, your own name with the suffix "ster" attached in a forced awkward attempt at familiarity. E.g. "Bobster," "Hankster" or "Georgester."

NO: (n)
The response that guys who will spend most of their time in the gym lifting weights might put on a true/false test.

The reason for your sudden interest in art.

Ample extra parking usually found in an adjoining county.

Unless you’re an English major, who really cares??

OUT: (n)
Where your roommate always is when one of the 35 clubs she belongs to calls with a very important message.

PAPER: (n)
Your version of Cliff Notes.

An inexpensive way to decorate a dormroom while making people think you’ve been to foreign lands and done things you never have.

PRE-LAW: (n)
The major of a person who will end up in sales.

A group of uniformed officers who seem to be under the impression that they were invited to your dorm party.

A coin operated device for dispensing breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Your football team’s weekly opponent.

A rarity; a three syllable word that cheerleaders CAN spell.

Two day period during which your growling stomach makes you really wish you’d signed up for a seven day meal plan.

Your college nickname. But not for the reason people think.

Name of the circus family you can run away and join when your parents find out how much you put on their charge card.

When the air conditioning in your dorm finally kicks in.

Two things not done by a majority of students.

That device on your arm that lets you know which class you’re currently late for.

X-RAY: (n)
A medical technique that will display cafeteria meatballs up to ten years after they’re eaten.

XYLEM: (n)
We’re not going to tell you this. You should know this. You took Biology, didn’t you? (Were you asleep that day or what?)

1) (n) A well known ivy league university.
2) (v) What southern cheerleaders do.

A book containing student pictures that will keep getting nerdier as the years go by.

When the 12 page paper you started tonight was due.

Dormitory wall decoration you "purchased" around 3 in the morning with the help of two buddies and a hammer.

1) (n) A large blimp.
2) (n) Still the best band for playing air guitar in one’s underwear.

ZERO: (n)
The number of times you’ve gotten to eat most of the pizza you ordered.

ZOO: (n)
What dorms would look like if they were a little neater.

The study of animal life (See: "Frat boys at Homecoming").

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Cheddarhead Dictionary

Author Unknown

If you think you can deck yourself out in green and gold and walk around occasionally bellowing "Go-Pack-Go!" and qualify as a Wisconsin native… you’re dead wrong. Youse gotta know the lingo too, ya-know, hey. For your enjoyment, here’s an updated list of Wisconsinisms. This stuff drives a spell checker crazy.

placed at the end of a profound statement; as in "isn’t It?"

a Green Bay institution who doesn’t need a last name; (see "Vince").

attached to the beginning or end a statement make it more credible; as in, "really!"

Blaze orange:
what deer hunters and cold-weather Packers fans wear at Lambeau.

Born in a barn?:
a sarcastic question which usually means you left the door open.

used in place of "lend," as in, "could youse borrow me a couple two-tree bucks?"

a sausage; a Wisconsin tailgate favorite; doesn’t have anything to do with a spoiled kid.

to the rest of the world outside Wisconsin’s borders, it is known as a drinking fountain.

to merge without permission; cut in; as in "Don’t you budge in line for a brat, I was here first!"

to or near; as in "Let’s go by One Eyed Jack’s,"or "She’ll come by Froggers tonight." It has nothing to do with a purchase.

someone from Wisconsin; see, "Cheesehead."

someone from Wisconsin; see, "Cheddarhead."

Cheese curd:
small pieces of fresh cheese that squeak when you bite into them; a parish picnic favorite when deep fried.

a beckoning call to another Cheddarhead.

more than one; as in "Delmer and I drank a couple-two-tree beers."

a Wisconsin expletive. Cripes-sake: a mild Wisconsin expletive.

a wild Wisconsin expletive.

a substitute for words beginning with "TH;" as in"Dat guy over dere in dah Bears shirt is a FIB."

what your mom called the sofa; a couch.

not bad or great, just "O.K."

an acronym; (F***in’ Illinois Bastard)

Fish fry:
a Friday night dining ritual in Wisconsin.

Fleet Farm:
a Cheddarhead’s answer to Bloomingdales.

Frozen tundra:
Lambeau Field.

Another Wisconsin expletive.

Go ahead:
proceed; as in, "go ahead and back up your car."

used in place of "have;" as in, "I gots my tickets to watch da Packers play on da Frozen Tundra."

another Wisconsin expletive.

placed at the beginning or end of phrases for emphasis, as in "Hey, how ’bout them Packers?" or "How ’bout them Packers, hey?"

as in, "wow!"

a greeting; the same as, "How’s everything?"

a beauty; as in "dat crappy youse caughtup-nort is a real humdinger."

John Deere:
a Cheddarhead’s other vehicle.

Wisconsin’s largest city; located just down the lake from Trivers and Mantwoc.

a word inserted at the end of a statement; used as a substitute for "right?" or "correct?"

Oh, yah:
depending on emphasis, it’s either used as acknowledgment (as"That’s correct") or skepticism (That’s bull!).

Parish picnics:
social events of the summer up-nort.

near; in close proximity; just about.

what you do at parish picnics.

a non-alcoholic drink.

protection for your shoes; also known as "galoshes."

the state where Cheeseheads are from.

a card game; also a term used when someone gets beat in a game of Sheepshead

another card game.

used instead of, "next to each other."

Wisconsin state bird.

Start wit me last:
to forfeit your turn.

Stop-and-go lights:
what everyone else refers to as traffic signals.

affirmative; as in "that’s right!"

to defrost.

locality; proximity; as in, "where-abouts are youse guys from?"

Up nort:
where Wisconsinites go on vacation.

Up-side right:
right side up.

the other Green Bay icon who doesn’t need a last name for recognition; (see "Bart").

affirmative; as in "uff-dah."

affirmative; as in "Yah-hey."

pronounced "YOOS;" it means "you" as in "are youse guys goin’ up nort?"

someone from ever further up-nort than you.

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Obituary: The Energizer Bunny

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Author Unknown

Today, the world was stunned by the news of the death of the Energizer Bunny. He was six years old. Authorities believe that the death occurred approximately 8:42 last evening. Best known as the irritating pink bunny that kept going, and going, and going. "Pinkie" as he was known to his friends and family, was alone at the time of his death.

An emergency autopsy was performed early this morning. Chief Medical Examiner, Dura Cell, concluded that the cause of death was acute cardiac arrest induced by sexual over-stimulation. Apparently, someone had put the bunny’s batteries in backwards and he kept coming, and coming, and coming…

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The Buffalo Theory of Drinking

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In one episode of “Cheers”, Cliff is seated at the bar describing the “Buffalo Theory” to his buddy Norm:

A herd of buffalo can only move as fast as the slowest buffalo, and when the herd is hunted, it is the slowest and weakest ones at the back that are killed first. This natural selection is good for the herd as a whole, because the general speed and health of the whole is maintained or even improved by the regular culling of the weakest members.

In much the same way, the human brain can operate only as fast as the slowest brain cells through which the electrical signals pass. Recent epidemiological studies have shown that while excessive intake of alcohol kills off brain cells, it attacks the slowest and weakest brain cells first.

Thus, regular consumption of beer helps eliminate the weaker cells, constantly making the brain a faster and more efficient machine.

The result of this in-depth study verifies and validates the causal link between all-weekend parties and job related performance. It also explains why, after a few short years of leaving university and getting married, most professionals cannot keep up with the performance of the new graduates. Only those few that stick to the strict regimen of voracious alcoholic consumption can maintain the intellectual levels that they achieve during their university years. So, this is a call to arms. As our country is losing its technological edge should not shudder in our homes. Get back into the bars. Quaff that pint. Your company and country need you to be at your peak, and you shouldn’t deny yourself the career that you could have.

Take life by the bottle and be all that you can be.

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You Pay For Quality

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Author Unknown

George and Harriet decided to celebrate their 25th Wedding Anniversary with a trip to Las Vegas. When they entered the hotel/casino and registered, a sweet young woman dressed in a very short skirt became very friendly. George brushed her off.

Harriet objected, "George, that young woman was nice, and you were so rude."

"Harriet, she’s a prostitute."

"I don’t believe you. That sweet young thing?"

"Let’s go up to our room and I’ll prove it."

In their room, George called down to the desk and asked for ‘Bambi’ to come to room 1217. "Now," he said, "you hide in the bathroom with the door open just enough to hear us, OK?"

Soon, there was a knock on the door. George opened it and Bambi walked in, swirling her hips provocatively.

George asked, "How much do you charge?"

"$125 basic rate, $100 tips for special services."

Even George was taken aback. "$125! I was thinking more in the range of $25."

Bambi laughed derisively. "You must really be a hick if you think you can buy sex for that price."

"Well," said George, "I guess we can’t do business. Goodbye."

After she left, Harriet came out of the bathroom. She said, "I just can’t believe it!"

George said, "Let’s forget it. We’ll go have a drink, then eat dinner."

At the bar, as they sipped their cocktails, Bambi came up behind George, pointed slyly at Harriet, and said, "See what you get for $25?"

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