Cool new lighting technique
This is an interesting, simple idea – mini skylights created with coke bottles allow lots of natural light into rooms.
This is an interesting, simple idea – mini skylights created with coke bottles allow lots of natural light into rooms.
A guide for little Billy.
(And you.)
How do you get Michelle Obama’s arms? First you go to Princeton, then Harvard…
What a fun video. Now I want to watch the movie and learn the dance. – Want to become a CSS zen master? Andy Clarke, author of “Transcending CSS: The Fine Art of Web Design,” will explain how you can do just that in this video.
If you know anything about local Indiana politics, you’ll understand why this video is really damned funny.
UPDATE: As I was watching this, I was struck at how prescient local artist and commentator StAllio! was when he wrote about the event planning for this shindig a month ago:
if you even know what all that means, you’re probably one of the event’s organizers. i don’t see this protest attracting a lot of protesters nor much media attention. the whole thing is too vague and ephemeral for tv reporters, who won’t have a clue how to cover the thing. and in today’s economy, i don’t see the typical taxpayer getting too riled up about “the executive and legislative revolving door”–these days, people are more worried about just finding jobs and making ends meet. if this were a focused protest centered around, say, the mess at the CIB, i could see it being a moderate success. but a kitchen-sink protest of complaining about “corporate welfare” is doomed to failure.
I should have quoted him when I wrote this this morning, but I hadn’t had any coffee yet.
A video aggregate of the number one thing I hate about reality TV — people acting like asses for money.
This is why the love of money is the root of all evil. Just once I’d like to see someone make friends and try to win the cash, too.
Usually, the point of Target: Women is to highlight how inane and absurd advertising targeted to women is — pointing out where ads insult women’s intelligence and where they try to create an artificial demand for stuff we don’t really want or need. The problem is in the case of chocolate, I actually DO want to eat chocolate. So this was a funny video, but at the same time, I was watching the microwave brownie commercial and thinking “ooooo, I want that!”
Funny Colbert Report on America’s war on photographers.