These losers are voting

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And they hope you aren’t. Vote in this years’ election on November 2nd.

For Marion County voters in Indiana, you can vote early – here’s the info:

Clerk’s Office, 200 E. Washington St., W-122
Begins: Monday, October 4
Ends: Monday, November 1 (at noon)
Weekday Hours: Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.,
Weekend Hours: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sat. & Sun.
They have weekend hours, folks, so no excuses.

If you don’t vote, Susan B. Anthony will cry. You don’t want that, do you?

Also, Alice Paul will picket your house, then have a hunger strike.

Frederick Douglass will deliver a fiery speech from your front porch. It will be awesome, but also embarrassing in front of the neighbors.

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An Honest Lesbian Relationship – YouTube

It’s funny. But sort of painfully true. That bit about Ikea smarts just a little, given our recent assemblages. 🙂 As funny as it is, though, not all gay relationships work this way, any more than all straight marriages end in divorce. This may be clever, but it’s ultimately self-defeating to think this way.

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