Covering Bush’s Ass: White House refuses to release Sept. 11 info

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The White House is attempting to block the publication of at 900 page congressional report on the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center. They’re claiming that it contains sensitive intelligence information, yet that information is readily available elsewhere on the internet and has been discussed in print and broadcast previously. Excerpt:

The Bush administration also consistently have fought identifying top officials, including the president and national security adviser Condoleezza Rice, who may have received warnings in 2001 that bin Laden’s network planned to hijack commercial aircraft. As a result, the report includes vague references to ‘senior administration officials.’

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Fraud, Enron, Bush!

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Fraud, Enron, Bush! Fraud, Enron, Bush! Fraud, Enron, Bush! Fraud, Enron, Bush! Fraud, Enron, Bush! Fraud, Enron, Bush! Fraud, Enron, Bush! Fraud, Enron, Bush! Fraud, Enron, Bush! Fraud, Enron, Bush! Fraud, Enron, Bush! Fraud, Enron, Bush! Fraud, Enron, Bush! Fraud, Enron, Bush! Fraud, Enron, Bush! Fraud, Enron, Bush! Fraud, Enron, Bush! Fraud, Enron, Bush! Fraud, Enron, Bush! Fraud, Enron, Bush! Fraud, Enron, Bush! Fraud, Enron, Bush! Fraud, Enron, Bush! Fraud, Enron, Bush! Fraud, Enron, Bush! Fraud, Enron, Bush! Fraud, Enron, Bush! Fraud, Enron, Bush! Fraud, Enron, Bush! Fraud, Enron, Bush!

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Number of Times Buffy Has Saved The World

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Six, according the USA Today. Actually, that’s only in season enders. She also saved the world in midseason, in episodes “Innocence”, “The Zeppo” and “Doomed”. And technically last season, it wasn’t Buffy that saved the world, but Xander, and Giles. So she’s saved in eight times, so far. I’m guessing number 9 is coming in the next couple of weeks.

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House Photos – almost there

I’ve spent a massive amount of time reworking my house photos, ordering them by room and then chronologically since I moved in. The difference is worth the effort — it helps to see sections of the house seperately to follow along with different projects that I’ve worked on. And it really becomes apparent how much work I’ve done this way, which is cool.
I’m almost finished; just have to build the pages for the front and back yard and I’ll be done and ready to put them up. Unfortunately, I seem to have taken more photos of the front and back yards in the last year than any other part of the house, so working through those pages is going to take a bit of doing. But progress has been made. And now I have to pack up and meander home so I can go to the ball diamond and watch my girlfriend play softball.

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America Sides with Anti-Female Thug Countries

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U.S. Stands up in favor of rape, forced pregnancy, domestic violence.
“The American delegation joined with Iran, Pakistan, Sudan, Libya and others in efforts to delete a phrase – included in previously agreed-upon UN statements dating back a decade – that calls on countries to condemn violence against women and “refrain from invoking any custom, tradition or religious consideration” to avoid the obligation to stop the violence.
It joined objections to a passage about women in armed conflict, aligning itself with fundamentalist regimes in trying to change a reference to “forced pregnancy” – listed along with murder, rape, systematic rape and sexual slavery as by-products of war and societies emerging from conflict. The term “forced pregnancy” is seen by some anti-abortion groups as a pretext for promoting abortion.”

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