Bush wants more Americans Dead

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Not content with the number of soldiers killed after our so-called victory, Bush taunted the Iraqis, saying, “Bring it on.” Of course, he said this from the safety of the oval office. This from a guy who not only avoided serving in Vietnam, he went AWOL from National Guard service, too. Yeah, you’re a tough guy, Bush.
Since his remarks: 10 more wounded American soldiers. I’ll bet they’re thrilled with W.

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Cost of War Clock

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How much the war in Iraq is costing us per second, and comparisons to what would happen if we’d spent the money on domestic programs.
While I was checking this (the numbers will increase by the time you check them):
— 1,330,851 additional school teachers could be hired for one year.
— 9,878,393 additional children could attend a year of Head Start
— 1,772,223 additional four-year scholarships at public universities
You can also click so see how much the war is costing you specifically in your town or region.

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The Top Ten Conservative Idiots (No. 116)

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Tinky Winky Waves Hi!
Tinky Winky Waves Hi!
In this week’s list from Democratic Undergraound, Ann Coulter says that Joe McCarthy was right in blacklisting Americans, George Bush hides a 25% increase in Medicare premiums, and a Hindu gets mistaken for a Muslim (!!) and beaten up by fans of Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity.

My favorite part of the Conservative Idiots list has to be the key. Especially the little Tinky-winky that symbolizes homophobia.

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Friendster Update

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I had to delete Willy Wonka from my friends list, because he put 189,000 people in my personal network, and that was just too ridiculous to look through all the time. Now I’m just down to a manageable 989 real people who are actually friends or friends of friends, and who are people I might actually be able to meet.

Still, you are not on there. What’s up with that? My dog Spike is even on Friendster.

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