Republican Letters to Margaret Cho

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Margaret Cho, the well-known comedian, did a stand-up set during’s “Bush in 30 Seconds” awards ceremony-fundraiser-show in New York on Monday night. After the show, a partial, heavily edited transcript of her stand-up routine was published by Matt Drudge, who took what she said out of context and even implied that she was giving a speech rather than a comedy show.
This prompted quite a few Republican’s to respond on Margaret Cho’s website. Here’s a sample of what they had to say:
F$@# you you oriental c$%& . you are not even an american. You are soooo stupid. Go f$@# yourself and go back to Asia you slanted eye whore.
Pretty. Notice that the e-mail address of the fine fellows are linked, so you can send them an e-mail and let them know what you think of THEIR writing.

Continue ReadingRepublican Letters to Margaret Cho – Open Source Digital Video TV Recording

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Basically, is an open source TIVO/ Replay TV program. You port your cable hookup through a PC equipped with a TV tuner card ($100) and a decent sized hard drive, set up the open source software on the PC, and connect the PC to a large monitor or TV & stereo. Then you use the software to record your favorite programs. There’s a web interface that lets you set our programs remotely, say, from work.

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Bush Wants $1.5 Billion Drive for Promotion of ‘Marriage’

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According to the New York Times, George Bush is planning on spending $1.5 billion dollars of my money to promote heterosexual marriage. By design, the plan is also to discourage equal marriage rights for gay people.
I suggest that he take a cue from Britney Spears, and just fly het couples to Vegas and get them drunk.

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Brokeback Mountain

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A gay cowboy romance that is in in the works, directed by Ang Lee and produced by James Schamus and Diana Ossana for Focus Features, a division of Universal Pictures (In other words, a major studio release). Shooting on the movie begins this summer. It is currently in casting negotiations for the part of the two male leads: Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal.
The screenplay is adapted from the short story, “Brokeback Mountain” by Annie Proulx, available in the collection Close Range : Wyoming Stories.

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One Day

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One day is all it took for the Bush’s administration to start investigating whether Former Treasury Secretary Paul O’Neill used confidential documents to provide information for Ron Suskind’s new book The Price of Loyalty: George W. Bush, the White House, and the Education of Paul O’Neill, a book that exposes Bush’s lies about weapons of mass destruction, 9/11, and the unnecessary tax cuts that Bush imposed on us.
74 days is how long it took for Bush’s administration to begin investigation of the White House leak of the identity of an active CIA agent which compromised her safety, the missions she was working on, and national security of America itself.
So apparently, it’s okay to leak documents as long as they cover George Bush’s ass, but if you leak documents that embarrass Bush, you’ll get hammered.
And, BTW, the document’s O’Neill used for the book have quickly been proven to not be confidential or a security risk, but you won’t hear that on the news for three or four more days, when the White House has convinced everyone that O’Neill did something wrong.

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