Justice Department Memos show Bush to be lax on terror threats

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Check out these damning memos compiled by the Center for American Progress — internal memos that show The Bush Administration actually reversed the Clinton Administration’s strong emphasis on counterterrorism and counterintelligence. Attorney General John Ashcroft not only moved aggressively to reduce DoJ’s anti-terrorist budget but also shift DoJ’s mission in spirit to emphasize its role as a domestic police force and anti-drug force. These changes in mission were just as critical as the budget changes, with Ashcroft, in effect, guiding the day to day decisions made by field officers and agents. And all of this while the Administration was receiving repeated warnings about potential terrorist attacks.

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Friday Five on Tuesday

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So I took yesterday off to clean house after my party, and I’m even more late with the Friday Five than usual.
If you…
1. …owned a restaurant, what kind of food would you serve?
Chicken dishes. Yup, that’s all. It wouldn’t be a fast food take out place, though, but a sit-down, nice meal, cloth napkins kind of place. That only served chicken dishes, and vegetarian meals for my veggie-eatin’ friends. And there would be a comical chicken logo. And a giant chicken outside, and a chicken car.
2. …owned a small store, what kind of merchandise would you sell?
It would be called the curiosity shop, and I’d sell odd stuff. Like antique and vintage decor, fun toys, and other bizarre stuff. There would have to be at least one suit of armor in the place, and a huge collection of weird hats.
3. …wrote a book, what genre would it be?
Historical fiction.
4. …ran a school, what would you teach?
How to play the harmonica? I dunno, I’m not a very good teacher.
5. …recorded an album, what kind of music would be on it?
Cover album; these would be the songs:
Twist the Knife
The Way
Werewolves of London
I Would Walk 500 Miles
Kiss Off
Mr. E’s Beautiful Blues (Untitled)
Fire In My Heart
Crash On The Barrelhead
Hard Drive
big darkness
Pop Singer’s Fear of the Pollen Count
One Tin Soldier
Mad World
Beautiful Accident
Like a Friend
Mr. Zebra
Road Rage
Fall of the World’s Own Optimist
Eve of Destruction
Radar Love
Freak Magnet
Unholy Train
Ring of Fire
Black Betty
Magic Carpet Ride

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You can’t Do That On Television

Wow, there’s a blast from the past… My friend Lori B. mentioned that she used to have a crush on Moose (Christine McGlade) the host of this Nickelodeon show… so did, I big time. I looked around for more info on her, but there doesn’t seem to be much on what she’s doing now, except a brief mention of her working for TVOntario.

Christine McGlade

UPDATE: Apparently, there’s a reunion/fan convention called “Slimecon 2004” for the show in Ottawa, Canada, July 16 – 18, 2004. This is the second, there was one in 2002 that Moose attended.

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Granta and the New York Times Review of Books

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Granta and the New York Review of Books are two publications that I’ve always wanted to subscribe to, but could never quite find the money for in my budget. Now they’re free as a bonus with my subscription to Salon Magazine. That’s so cool. I love Salon and read it everyday anyway… all the bonuses are icing on the very yummy cake.

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How the suburban shopping mall came into being

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A very interesting article in the New Yorker about shopping malls, how they came into being, and how the design of malls was perfected. The most interesting part is how they came to replace downtown department stores–in some cases because the department stores influenced zoning and prevented new stores from moving downtown to compete. The new stores became anchor stores for malls instead, and pulled consumer traffic from downtown areas.

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Author Unknown

St. Patrick's DayA tall man is in the mens room using the facilities. A short guy, about knee high, comes in and pulls up a stool, and starts taking a pee too. The tall guy keeps looking over his shoulder. The little guy says, "What the hell are you looking at?" and the tall guy replies, "Well, for you being such a short little guy, you have an awfully big pecker on you!"

"Well," says the short guy, "Of course I do. I am a leprechaun, and I can have anything I wish for!"

"A leprechaun, you say? Does that mean you can give me any thing I wish for?!" asks the tall man.

"Well, yes, but I am a gay leprechaun, so I’ll want a favor in return," says the short guy.

After thinking, the tall guy says, "Alright then. I want a million dollars, a brand new mansion, and 2 brand new Porsches!"

"Fine!" says the short guy, "its all yours! But first I want you to pull your pants down, bend over and grab your ankles!"

So, the guy does it, and the short guy climbs back up on the stool, and really gives it to him! The guy is just moaning. The short guy says, "So tell me, What is your name?" The tall guy moans, and stomping his feet, he says, "My name is Bruce….."

"Bruce? How old are you?" asks the short guy.

Stomping his feet even harder, he moans, "I’m 32!"

The short guy says, "Bruce? You’re 32 and you still believe in Leprechauns?!"

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What Is An Irishman?

Author Unknown

An Irishman is a man who…

May not believe there is a God,
but is darn sure of the infallibility of the Pope.

Won’t eat meat on Friday,
but will drink Jameson for breakfast.

Has great respect for the truth,
he uses in emergencies.

Sees things not as they are
but the way they never will be.

Cries at sad movies,
but cheers in battle.

Hates the English,
but reserves his cruelty for countryman.

Gets more Irish the further he gets from Ireland.

Believes in civil rights,
but not in his neighborhood.

Believes to forgive is divine,
therefore doesn’t exercise it himself.

Loves religion for its own sake,
but also because it makes it so inconvenient for his neighbors.

Scorns money,
but worships those who have it.

Considers any Irishman who
achieves success to be a traitor.

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