Weekend Update – My Fair Lady, Roller Derby and Canasta

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Stephanie and I went with our friend Elizabeth to Bloomington, Ind. this weekend to visit Joe and see My Fair Lady performed by the Cardinal Stage Company at the Buskirk-Chumley Theater. I’ve never seen the show onstage; I’ve only seen the movie musical and that was when I was young, so I didn’t have full recollection of the storyline. But my mom had the album (she had albums of almost every movie musical in existence) so I knew the words to the songs by heart. (And I’m still humming the tunes today. Sorry to those around me.)

It was a really great performance – for a regional production on a small stage, it was phenomenal. Cardinal really puts on a professional performance; the choreography was fantastic, stage design was clever and costumes were spot on. Chloe Sabin as Eliza was delightful. Chris Vettel played Higgins so well that I disliked him exactly the way I should, because the character is basically a jerk wad. The fellow who played Alfred Doolittle, Mike Price, is apparently a Cardinal regular and stole the spotlight in every scene he was in.

I didn’t realize that George Bernard Shaw’s play Pygmalion had a different ending – SPOILER ALERT – in his play Eliza ends up with Freddie, rather than Higgins, and he was adamant that Eliza and Henry weren’t right for each other. I rather agree with him. Higgins was a pretty big douche and didn’t deserve her, no matter how accustomed to her face he became. Liking the girl does not actually get you the girl, Sir; you have to treat her well, too, and even then there are no guarantees. (So much stalking could be prevented if we could just teach this simple concept to anxious young males.)

After the play we went to a Bleeding Hearts Roller Derby bout – it was a charity event/scrimmage where the team competed with themselves as “Heroes” vs. “Villains” – Of the Heroes, my favorites were the Ambiguously Gay Duo. Also popular with me: when the Villains chanted “E-V-I-L what’s that spell? EVIL, EVIL EVIL!!!” And here’s another SPOILER ALERT – the Villains won. By a lot. Joe suggested this is a metaphor for real life. I mainly wondered how the villains planned to remove the Old Tymey Villain Mustaches they drew on their faces with Sharpie Markers. I wonder (and suspect it’s true) whether it’s better to practice villainy these days without the tell-tale mustache. I wonder if there is such a thing as “Old Tymey Sharpie Mustache remover”? I wonder if I practiced Heroism with an Old Tymey Villain Mustache, would that be an adequate disguise? Would it be ironic, and by extension, (shudder) hipster-ish? I wonder if I wonder way too much about mustaches and villainy? The probable answer to all of these questions is “Probably.”

After dinner, we spent the evening at Joe’s, where Elizabeth and Joe and Stephanie taught me how to play canasta. I can’t begin to tell you how much I love this card game. But I will try. If I bore the pants off of you – well, hey, no pants, right?!! That’s what I’m talkin’ about. I enjoyed canasta more than say, euchre, because canasta is, as Elizabeth pointed out, a blend of skill and luck. Euchre often depends on solely on the deal – if you don’t have a good hand, there’s nothing you can do. If you have a decent hand, you can maybe parlay that into something better (look, I totally used the word parlay in a sentence!!) but often that still depends on what your neighbors are dealt, and if they screw up. In euchre, having been dealt a good hand is the only sure way to take a trick. (Possibly another metaphor for real life?) Double-deck bid euchre tends to break that up and allow for more strategy, which is why I like it better.

Canasta is like double-deck bid euchre in that there are lots of cards (2 or 3 decks, depending on the number playing) and lots of room for strategy, and it has the bonus of being like rummy in that you collect sets. These guys play the game by “Elizabeth Rules” which is basically how she was taught to play; your rules may vary. The goal in each round is to go out (no cards left in your hand) after making two “canastas” – a collection of 7 cards of the same face value. A canasta with wild cards (2s or jokers) is a black canasta, a canasta without is a higher-valued “natural” or “red” canasta. You add up points for your canastas and for the cards you had on the table, subtract what you have in your hand, and the first to get to 5,000 points wins. Also there are some complex things you do with threes, but I’m already getting tedious aren’t I? Anyway, I really enjoyed the game, although I came in dead last. And I’ll probably be babbling about it again sometime in the future after I can rope people into playing with me again.

I spent some time on Sunday re-watching the series Firefly – which I have some thoughts about, but oh, look at the time. I have gotten long-winded, haven’t I? Well that’s refreshing after all the short little link posts, I’ll bet.

Slideshow of photos from the weekend:

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links for 2011-06-25

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links for 2011-06-23

  • Well, as an explanation for comfirmation bias, it makes sense. I guess. If it's supposed to. Heh.
  • "So he loaded it onto a trolley, but Beyoncé was surprisingly unstable, and the giant 5 foot metal chicken crashed over onto the floor. And Laura and I were all “CHICKEN DOWN! CLEAN-UP IN AISLE 3″ but he didn’t laugh. Then the manager came to see what was causing all the commotion, and that’s when he found the very-conservative salesman unhappily struggling to right an enthusiastically pointy chicken which was almost as tall as he was. The salesman was having a hard time, and he told everyone to stand back “because this chicken will cut you“, and at first I thought he meant it as a threat, like “That chicken has a shiv”, but turns out he just meant that all the chickens’ ends were sharp and rusty. It was awesome, and Laura and I agreed that even if we got tetanus, this chicken had already paid for himself even before we got it in her truck."
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Crushable: Hannah Hart

Hannah Hart

I posted a few of the awesome “My Drunk Kitchen” videos a while back, and now the cute-as-a-button Hannah Hart is on Episode 8 of her cooking drinking show (plus a couple of bonuses like a song and an not-so-advice video) and she’s received some major attention. This week she’s the subject of a Time Magazine Q&A:

What My Drunk Kitchen food tasted the worst?
The ice cream was pretty terrible. Or the meatballs — they were just balls of uncooked meat.

Nobody really make meatballs when they’re drunk, though.
But they could. They’re so easy. As long as you actually remember to cook them.

Do you plan the menu ahead of time?
I know what I’m going to make, and then I do my best to make it with whatever’s in the kitchen. I try to do as little advance planning as possible. Supposedly that’s to make the videos funnier, but really I’m just lazy.

Episode 8: Ice Cream:
I couldn’t quite picture how making ice cream counted as cooking, but in Hannah’s world, it makes total sense. Which is to say, no sense at all, just like always. There’s a point at which I was laughing hysterically. At work, which is always normal. But then my cube neighbor co-worker is currently discussing druids and healers and spells with another co-worker for some video game they play together, so I’m not the weird one here at all.

And also Hannah has a bunch of swag you can get at her website – t-shirts, aprons, all very cute designs.

Hannah is just as cute as a basket of kittens, isn’t she? Sadly, she’s having some online flirtation with writer Heather Hogan (who has stepped up her obnoxiousness on afterellen.com to the point I have a hard time reading her posts anymore), which is kinda gross. But Hannah is pretty cute, and hasn’t said one obnoxious thing, so I’ll forgive her.

And this is totally not Hannah Hart, and isn’t associated in any way with My Drunk Kitchen, but it’s an awesome photo, isn’t it?

Oh my
Continue ReadingCrushable: Hannah Hart

links for 2011-06-21

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Space Girls

The song is by The Imagined Village.

Source in order of appearance:
Lost In Space
Outer Limits
Doctor Who
The Giant Behemoth
Twilight Zone
Attack Of The 50 ft Woman
Invasion Of The Body Snatchers
Forbidden Planet
Queen of Outer Space
Space 1999
Sapphire And Steel
Star Trek
Logans Run
5th Element
Soylent Green
Star Wars
Blakes 7
Mork And Mindy
Star Trek Next Gen
Starship Troopers
Earth Final Conflict
Terminator 2
New Doctor Who
Startrek Voyager
Battlestar Galactica
Babylon 5
Space Above and Beyond
Terminator: Sarah Connor
Earth 2

Continue ReadingSpace Girls

links for 2011-06-18

  • "A Silsbee High School cheerleader took her school to court when they kicked her off the squad for refusing to cheer her own rapist. The week of May 5, 2011 the Supreme Court refused to hear the case and is requiring her family pay the school $45,000 in legal fees." This site is taking donations to help pay her legal fees – I just sent money via paypal, and hope you will consider doing that too.
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