Somebody stole my rainbow Flag

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From in front of my house, for the second time. I’m pretty pissed about it. However, my name is etched onto the pole, and the flag is super-glued to the pole, so whoever has it, if they stole it to put outside their house, won’t be able to display it without me finding it.
I suspect since it has happened twice now, though, that the thief is someone homophobic who doesn’t want the flag displayed. I’m trying to figure out the best way to put a massive flag on my house without anyone being able to do anything. I’m thinking curtains in the front window upstairs, actually. Hmmm.

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Terrorists in Carmel, Indiana? Bullshit!

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At a recent rally in Venice, Florida in support of President Bush, Katherine “Fixin’ the Votes” Harris told the crowd that Bush is winning the war on terror. As an example, she cited that the mayor of Carmel, Indiana had told her they had recently arrested a Middle Eastern man with hundreds of pounds of explosives in his home, who was planning to “blow up the area’s entire power grid.”
Of course, when the Mayor was asked about it, he said it was two years ago, and there were not explosives involved. The Police chief, however, said there was never even an arrest.
So Katherine Harris is a lying bitch, basically. But we already knew that.
Um, this is FUCKING INDIANA for Christ’s sake. No one wants to blow any shit up here. Wait, let me correct that. No middle eastern people want to blow any shit up here. We have quite a few right-wing looney Bush supporters who might try to blow up an abortion clinic, gay bar or my house, but no foreign terrorists to speak of. Al Qaeda couldn’t even find us on the damned map, let alone come all the way here just to take out a corn field or two. Like that would be effective.

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Two more Bush crap items

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First, you may have heard that the recent terror alerts for financial institutions in New York and Washington were based on intelligence that was more than four years old, some of it even prior to 9/11. Can you say “campaign stunt” anyone? This probably is in reaction to the fact that Kerry is massively up in the polls.
Also, you might have noticed an article recently explaining that two of Cheney’s recent campaign rallies screened the attendees before the event to ensure party loyalty. Nice.

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Eighties Party Music

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The party is on Saturday, October 2nd at 8 p.m.
I’ve ripped all the albums I need (I think) and I have eliminated duplicate songs from the compilation discs that Doug gave me. Currently I have 1482 songs in my playlist, which is 4.1 Days worth of music.
I have to narrow that down a bit. 🙂
But you can imagine, this is going to be a pretty kicking party.

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Media Matters: Watch Dog Site says “bullshit!”

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If you want to catch Fox News/George W. Bush/right-wing nutjobs in lies every single day, several times a day, check out the Media Matters website, which checks out what “THEY” say, and then shows you the video or audio footage of the real live event, so you can see for yourself the bullshit they perpetrate.
For example, FOX’s Barone said Kerry audience was “silent” on military-strength line — but in reality, the audience cheered at that line, which you can plainly see for yourself on the video provided.

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Good Morning! Song to sing early in the morning

I made a couple different versions of this CD, and added some songs to it later. Originally I made this for my friends Mia and Ria, because they were talking about how Mia is a morning person and Ria isn’t. Mia likes to get up and putter around the house singing in the morning. So I thought I’d give her some songs to sing.

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Unhappy with your low-wage job? Bush team says “prozac”

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A campaign worker for President Bush (news – web sites) said on Thursday American workers unhappy with low-quality jobs should find new ones — or pop a Prozac to make themselves feel better.
“Why don’t they get new jobs if they’re unhappy — or go on Prozac?” said Susan Sheybani, an assistant to Bush campaign spokesman Terry Holt.
While recent employment growth has buoyed Bush’s economic record, Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry has argued the new jobs are not as good as those lost due to outsourcing in recent years.
Nearly 1.1 million jobs have been lost since Bush took office in January 2001.

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