Nancy Drew “Girl Detective” T-shirt

I’ve loved Nancy Drew since I was a kid, and I had a cool shirt with Pamela Sue Martin’s face on in when I was in elementary school. I always wished I had one with the silhouette on it, so I made one for myself. And you, if you want to buy one. They’re for sale on

Nancy Drew T-shirt

Nancy Drew T-shirt

I also put the design on a iPad case, if you’d like to carry your Girl Detective around that way instead.

Nancy Drew iPad Cover

Nancy Drew iPad Cover

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Indiana House Joint Resolution 6 (HJR-6) Marriage Discrimination Amendment

Yesterday, State Rep. Eric Turner filed Indiana House Joint Resolution 6 (HJR6) – the Marriage Discrimination Amendment in the Indiana House. It was assigned to the House Judiciary Committee. You can track the status of the bill at this link.

SECTION 1. The following amendment to the Constitution of the State of Indiana is proposed and agreed to by this, the One Hundred Seventeenth General Assembly of the State of Indiana, and is referred to the next General Assembly for reconsideration and agreement.

SECTION 2. ARTICLE 1 OF THE CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF INDIANA IS AMENDED BY ADDING A NEW SECTION TO READ AS FOLLOWS: Section 38. Only a marriage between one (1) man and one (1) woman shall be valid or recognized as a marriage in Indiana. A legal status identical or substantially similar to that of marriage for unmarried individuals shall not be valid or recognized.

The second sentence of this bill has a terrible effect on ALL unmmarried couples, not just same-sex couples, in Indiana. In other states, similar language has been used to strip away spousal abuse laws for unmarried partners, leaving domestic partners who are not married vulnerable to violence with no legal protections.

This is the second trip for this bill through the Statehouse; it was passed in a previous year. If it is passed again this year, it will be added to the ballot to be ratified as an amendment by the public.

1) To figure out your district and state legislators visit this link: District Look Up and enter your address. Contact information – usually a phone number and the legislator’s website – is listed. Call their 1-800 number, or visit their website and find contact information for an email.

June UPDATE: Although the bill was introduced into the legislature, it did not make it out of committee in the 2013 legislative season. Lawmakers indicated that they preferred to wait until the Supreme Court rulings on the Defense of Marriage Act were announced.
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Indiana Senate Bill 621 (SB 621)

Bill introduced in the Indiana State legislature this week:

Indiana Senate Bill 621 (SB 621)

The analysis of this bill by Indy Democrat Blog: “Where to begin? It’s pretty easy. Almost everything in this bill is designed to reduce the power of Democrats in Marion County. From reducing the power of the County Commissioners (the Marion County Treasurer, Assessor, and Auditor) to deleting the At-Large seats on the Council, this bill would, as it stands now, reduce the power of the City-County Council in one majorly blue county.”

This was a bill requested by Indianapolis Mayor Greg Ballard to try to control the city-county council. It significantly tilts the balance of power in city government to the mayor and gives them unprecedented and unnecessary control of the city. It’s out-of-bounds.

1) Spread the word: Make sure your friends and family know about SB 621 and how it hurts our city by eliminating the independent power of the City-County Council and the elimination of the four at-large Council seats.

2) Call the Mayor: Media reports have made it clear – Mayor Ballard requested this proposal. Call his office and let him know that you oppose SB 621. His number is (317) 327-3601.

3) Call your state representative and senator: This bill will be heard in the Indiana General Assembly – call your state rep at (317) 232-9600 and senator at (317) 232-9400 and tell them you oppose SB 621.

2013 Update: This bill was passed by the Indiana State Legislature and signed into law by Governor Mike Pence.
Continue ReadingIndiana Senate Bill 621 (SB 621)

useful feminist and online conversational references

The Tone Argument
“A tone argument is an argument used in discussions, sometimes by Concern trolls and sometimes as a Derailment, in which it is suggested that feminists would be more successful if only they expressed themselves in a more pleasant tone. This is also sometimes described as catching more flies with honey than with vinegar, a particular variant of the tone argument.”

“Splaining or ‘Splaining is a form of condescension in which a member of a privileged group explains something to a member of a marginalised group — most particularly, explains about their marginalisation — as if the privileged person knows more about it. Examples include (but are not limited to) a man explaining sexism to a woman, or a white person explaining racism to a black person.”

(Steph’s note – I’d critique this definition; sometimes it the subject is the marginalization, but often the subject is just something the privileged person thinks they know more about – as in the article that started it all — Men who explain things by Rebecca Solnit — in which she discusses a party host who explained to her in detail the very important book on a particular subject – a book that she herself had written.)

White Knighting
“White Knighting is an attempt at being a feminist ally that assumes that men are better feminists than women are.”

Slut shaming
“Slut shaming is the act of criticising a woman for her real or presumed sexual activity, or for behaving in ways that someone thinks are associated with her real or presumed sexual activity.”

Toes of Conduct
“If you witness someone stepping on someone else’s toes; do not harangue the person with the bruised toes for being hurt, simply because you did not feel the crush. If you step on someone’s toes; apologise for stepping on their toes. Resist the urge to point to an inconsiderate witness, or people whose toes you have not yet stepped on, as excuses for not apologising.” Also, this great explanation from a comment on a metafilter thread:

‘If you step on my foot, you need to get off my foot.

If you step on my foot without meaning to, you need to get off my foot.

If you step on my foot without realizing it, you need to get off my foot.

If everyone in your culture steps on feet, your culture is horrible, and you need to get off my foot.

If you have foot-stepping disease, and it makes you unaware you’re stepping on feet, you need to get off my foot. If an event has rules designed to keep people from stepping on feet, you need to follow them. If you think that even with the rules, you won’t be able to avoid stepping on people’s feet, absent yourself from the event until you work something out.

If you’re a serial foot-stepper, and you feel you’re entitled to step on people’s feet because you’re just that awesome and they’re not really people anyway, you’re a bad person and you don’t get to use any of those excuses, limited as they are. And moreover, you need to get off my foot.

See, that’s why I don’t get the focus on classifying harassers and figuring out their motives. The victims are just as harassed either way.’”

An Incomplete Guide to Not Creeping
By John Scalzi. This is so good and even funny. Just read it.

The Privilege of Politeness
“One item that comes up over and over in discussions of racism is that of tone/attitude. People of Color (POC) are very often called on their tone when they bring up racism, the idea being that if POC were just more polite about the whole thing the offending person would have listened and apologized right away. This not only derails the discussion but also tries to turn the insults/race issues into the fault of POC and their tone. Many POC have come to the realization that the expectation of politeness when saying something insulting is a form of privilege. At the core of this expectation of politeness is the idea that the POC in question should teach the offender what was wrong with their statement. Because in my experience what is meant by “be polite” is “teach me”, teach me why you’re offended by this, teach me how to be racially sensitive and the bottom line is that it is no one’s responsibility to teach anyone else.”

Nice Guy Syndrome: What it is and why you should kill it with fire
“Basically a “Nice Guy” is someone who wonders why if they are so nice and good to women, why they won’t reciprocate (sleep with them)? The reason is: because they don’t have to, and no force in the world can change that.”

Nice Guys (TM) Finish Last–For Good Reason
“If you are a guy, and if you are angry that women aren’t receptive to you when you see yourself as a “nice” guy, and you believe these women are instead receptive to abusive guys, then maybe it would be productive to consider that you’re harboring attitudes about women (and men, for that matter) that aren’t really “nice” at all.”

Five Geek Social Fallacies
“Within the constellation of allied hobbies and subcultures collectively known as geekdom, one finds many social groups bent under a crushing burden of dysfunction, social drama, and general interpersonal wack-ness. It is my opinion that many of these never-ending crises are sparked off by an assortment of pernicious social fallacies — ideas about human interaction which spur their holders to do terrible and stupid things to themselves and to each other.”

The C-Word (Creeper)
A demolishment of the notion that “Creepy guys are just awkward.” Deconstructing all of the assumptions. Great stuff here.

Don’t Be A Creeper – Dr. Nerdlove
Also good stuff. Lots on Male Privilege and Creeper behavior.

Meet The Predators
“These look to me to be the best available data on who the rapists are who have not been caught and incarcerated — which is the vast, vast majority. They are, however, limited, so that in talking about them it constrains the discussion of rape into a narrow range around a modal form of men raping women.*”

Predator Redux
talks about the kinds of behaviors which are not overtly threatening but which still creep women out because they’re precursors to predatory behavior even if they wouldn’t register as predatory not on the receiving end.

Great places to read about these terms:

Yes Means Yes Blog
Dissent of a Woman
Geek Feminism Wiki

Continue Readinguseful feminist and online conversational references

You Belong With Me, deconstructed

Or, why Taylor Swift is a Nice Guy(tm). Courtesy of NinjaCate on Jezebel, this analysis of Taylor Swift’s song as a demo for why she’s problematic when it comes to women’s issues.

You’re on the phone with your girlfriend, she’s upset
She’s going off about something that you said
‘Cause she doesn’t get your humor like I do

Or perhaps his girlfriend has a legitimate concern that she is trying to have addressed. You have no idea. You are not actually privy to the discussion.

I’m in the room, it’s a typical Tuesday night
I’m listening to the kind of music she doesn’t like
And she’ll never know your story like I do

I’m so different from her! We’re meant to be!

But she wears short skirts, I wear T-shirts

Slut shaming much?

She’s Cheer Captain and I’m on the bleachers

I mean everyone knows cheerleaders (jocks, sexy guys anyone who is not a “Nice Guy”) are total bitches

Dreaming about the day when you wake up and find
That what you’re looking for has been here the whole time

This is literally every Nice Guy’s argument

If you could see that I’m the one who understands you
Been here all along, so why can’t you see?
You, you belong with me, you belong with me

Again, typical Nice Guy shit. Just because you are a nice person in general, does not mean that he is obligated to reciprocate your feelings….

Walking the streets with you and your worn-out jeans
I can’t help thinking this is how it ought to be
Laughing on a park bench, thinking to myself
Hey, isn’t this easy?

Don’t take much issue with this other than to say, maybe tell him how you feel?

And you’ve got a smile that could light up this whole town
I haven’t seen it in a while since she brought you down
You say you’re fine, I know you better than that
Hey, what ya doing with a girl like that?

Yes, because this GF who you are clearly trying to replace is the be all and end all of his problems. And that’s not to say that a friend cannot clearly see that another friend might be in a relationship that makes them unhappy, and saying so. But that’s entirely different from having the ulterior motive of stepping into the current SO’s shoes.

She wears high heels, I wear sneakers

Again. Slut shaming

She’s Cheer Captain and I’m on the bleachers
Dreaming about the day when you wake up and find
That what you’re looking for has been here the whole time

If you could see that I’m the one who understands you
Been here all along, so why can’t you see?
You belong with me

Same as above

Standing by and waiting at your back door
All this time how could you not know?
Baby, you belong with me, you belong with me

Why are you creeping at his back door :/

Oh, I remember you driving to my house in the middle of the night
I’m the one who makes you laugh when you know you’re ’bout to cry
And I know your favorite songs and you tell me ’bout your dreams
Think I know where you belong, think I know it’s with me

This is the entitlement that Nice Guys have. Just because YOU like HIM, doesn’t mean that he HAS to like you. For all you know, he may have very solid reasons for not pursuing a romantic relationship. Which is another reason you should TELL HIM HOW YOU FEEL instead of pining like an idiot.

Can’t you see that I’m the one who understands you?
Been here all along, so why can’t you see?
You belong with me

Same as above

Standing by and waiting at your back door
All this time, how could you not know?
Baby, you belong with me, you belong with me

Same as above

You belong with me
Have you ever thought just maybe
You belong with me?
You belong with me

No, but clearly you have, so maybe suggest it instead of bashing his GF?

And that doesn’t even touch on the very heavy-handed Madonna-Whore shit she does in the video.


Continue ReadingYou Belong With Me, deconstructed

New Year’s Resolutions – 2013

These are really more goals than resolutions; they are things I’d like to make priorities to focus my energy and money on. If I don’t get them done, it’s cool; this is a big pile of ambitious. But these are all areas I want to make progress in for the coming year.

750 words a day – more days of the week than not
Finish novel
Start new novel

[various work-related goals; not shared here]

Get insulation done
Get siding fixed
Get house painted
Get guest room organized
Get bed frame for our bed

Save 10,000 dollars
Get a new computer

Get split down to 2:00:00
Get an erg
learn sculling

Read more books I own
Buy new books on e-reader
Read first Proust book

Knit pillows
Knit hats – follow design
Learn color work

Photo scanning & organizing
Design 20 new shirts

Continue ReadingNew Year’s Resolutions – 2013

Annual “Best of” Lists for 2012

Top 10 Science Stories of 2012 – Discover Magazine

2012: The Year in Pictures – New York Times

2012 Year in Pictures: Part I – The Big Picture,

2012 Year in Pictures: Part II – The Big Picture,

2012 Year in Pictures: Part III – The Big Picture,

The 140 Best Twitter Feeds of 2012 –
“TIME’s social media editor Allie Townsend & social media associate Amy Lombard pick the 140 Twitter feeds that are shaping the online conversation in 2012.”

2012: The Year in Words – Merriam-Webster Online

Best Books 2012 – Goodreads
“Announcing the winners of the 2012 Goodreads Choice Awards, the only major book awards decided by readers.”

Best Books 2012 – NPR
NPR puts together a number of “best of” lists for literature in different genres.

Best Books of 2012 – Barnes and Noble

Best Books of 2012 – Publisher’s Weekly

10 Best Books of 2012 – New York Times
Wow – women actually have 3 of 10 spots on the list! Way to go, NYT, you guys are making progress. Maybe next year, we’ll even get 4 spots, given that women write 70% of all the books published.

Favorite Book Cover Designs of 2012 –
“We asked people in and around the world of graphic design to name one of their favorite book covers from 2012 and briefly describe its appeal.”

Best Movies of 2012 – Roger Ebert

Best of 2012: The EW movie awards – Entertainment Weekly

Best of 2012: The EW TV awards – Entertainment Weekly

The Naughty and Nice of 2012 TV – everybody and television

Best & Worst of the Year – TV Guide

The Best Albums Of 2012 – VH1

50 BEST ALBUMS OF 2012 – Rolling Stone

The Best Games of 2012 Awards – Gamespot
“There was a noticeable change of direction for the gaming industry in 2012. As many developers shifted their gaze toward the next generation, the big-budget games that would normally fill our time were in much shorter supply.”

Continue ReadingAnnual “Best of” Lists for 2012