
I don’t dislike conservatives as people, I just think the conservative ideology is morally and ethically bankrupt, utterly repugnant, intellectually stunted, and should be eliminated from the philosophical arena. Conservatives themselves are just fine, so long as they don’t either act on their conservative ideology or demand special privileges such as being able to vote.

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Books I’ve Read – April, 2009

Larry Burrows: Vietnam
by Larry Burrows
A classic, iconographic photography book. Burrows was a Life Magazine photographer covering the Vietnam war, and his images shot over 9 years helped shape the American public’s understanding and opinions about it. He was killed over Cambodia when his helicopter was shot down.

100 Photographs that Changed the World
by the editors of Life Magazine
Exactly what the title says; some of the most recognized and catalytic photos in human history.

Anonymous: Enigmatic Images from Unknown Photographers
by Robert Flynn Johnson and William Boyd
Another great book of photography; this one is a collection of beautiful, unusual and gorgeous “found” photos collected by the authors, gleaned from attics and estate sales.

The 13 Clocks
by James Thurber, (illust. Marc Simont, foreward by Neil Gaiman)
I checked this book out from the Ankeny public library when I was a little kid, and I’ve been looking for a copy to call my own ever since. It just recently came back into print, and I immediately ordered it.

by Neil Gaiman
I haven’t seen the movie yet; unfortunately I missed it in 3-D, for which I heard rave reviews. The book was quite good, and I’m given what I’ve heard about the changed ending in the movie, I’m not sure I’ll like the movie as well.
Faking It
by College Humor
I’m only listing this because I read the damn thing, but I won’t link to it. It’s a misogynist piece of crap, and I’m rather ashamed it was published by our company. I’m rather shocked I read the whole thing, but I kept hoping it would get better. It’s didn’t; don’t bother.

The Unfinished Clue
by Georgette Heyer
I’ve been a huge fan of her Regency novels since I was a teen; I have almost all of them in my library and they show up on my reading lists here on the site repeatedly. But I’ve never read any of her mysteries. I’m glad I finally did; her sparkling, witty characterizations are present here, too. Light reading, but lots of fun.

I haven’t completed any of my Project Fill-in-the-gaps titles, but I’m well into two of them. And I have some unfinished reading from earlier this year that I want to complete as well. We’ll see how all that goes.

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What motivates me

I’m not motivated by a bunch of platitudes about “finding the edge” and “exploiting your potential.” I’m not motivated by people who engage in competitive behavior with people they should be collaborating with. I’m not motivated by people who rest on their laurels and do the bare minimum to get by, or people who spend all their time protecting and polishing their egos. I’m not motivated by self-made, pull-yourself-up-by-your-bootstrap jackasses who think they can do everything themselves, and screw what other people can contribute.

I’m motivated by people who are intoxicated by creativity, and who suck other people into their creative endeavors. I’m motivated by people who turn work into play and play into money. I’m motivated by people who collaborate, who engage, who strive to entertain. I don’t want minions. I want co-conspirators, partners in crime. Cohorts. I want to be in cahoots.

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