links for 2009-08-13

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links for 2009-08-11

  • Well known travel photographer gets threatened with arrest for photographing Coke Museum in Atlanta, Georgia. As has been mentioned here numerous times, photography is protected under the first amendment, and there are no laws against photographing buildings in public places.
  • "In fact, the "All Your Problems Is Because Of Your Fats!" mentality ubiquitous among healthcare providers,* which results in millions of fat people being treated for obesity when there might be a more serious medical problem causing the obesity,** is the real untouchable subject when it comes to the debate about healthcare and fat. " I know for a fact that my respiratory problems were overlooked for exactly this reason – I have some sort of nodule causing my shortness of breath; for years my doctors have been telling me to lose weight to fix the problem. Weight is NOT the cause.
    (tags: healthcare)
  • Get the facts about the stability and security you get from health insurance reform.
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Weekend Update, early August

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So, we got a scooter. The plan is to ride it to work. For now, Stephanie and I are both going to share the Buddy 125, and later, if it works out money-wise, I’ll get my own Scooter. It’s been 20-some years since I rode my brother’s moped, so I’m shaky on the corners, but I zipped around the neighborhood pretty well. I need to do that a bit more before I set out to work. Which is fine, anyway, since it’s supposed to rain for several days.

Other than that we had a low-key weekend at home. We harvested cucumbers and zucchini from the vegetable garden and pulled lots of weeds. It was hot all weekend.

I did a bit of photo editing; I’m drastically behind on that. Stuck somewhere in early July right now. I’m having a hard time getting motivated about it. I’ll have to figure out how to get unstuck.

Continue ReadingWeekend Update, early August

links for 2009-08-09

  • "We profess to being shocked at one or another of these outlandish crimes, but the shock wears off quickly in an environment in which the rape, murder and humiliation of females is not only a staple of the news, but an important cornerstone of the nation’s entertainment." — One of the few discussions of the crazy guy that shot women at the gym that isn't filled to the brim with misogyny and victim blaming. Women are not obligated to date you, dude. If you can't get a date, it isn't a woman's fault.
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links for 2009-08-07

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links for 2009-08-06

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