links for 2009-08-20

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Barney Frank puts ridiculous questioner in her place at town hall

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At a Barney Frank town hall meeting in Dartmouth, MA, a constituent asks, “Why are you supporting this Nazi policy?”

Frank responds: “On what planet do you spend most of your time?” He then calls her approach “vile, contemptible nonsense.” He closes by saying: “Trying to have a conversation with you would be like arguing with a dining room table.”

Thank Maude people are FINALLY calling this nutty kookery for what it is.

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links for 2009-08-19

  • Preventative measures are important. Since stress causes almost all muscle problems, including blepharospasm, to worsen, it is important to minimize and avoid stress. Whether this means embarking upon stress management through cognitive therapy, occupational therapy, or other types of group therapy or support meetings, these methods of improving and developing coping mechanisms should be explored.
    (tags: health)
  • BBC NEWS | Science & Environment – Their most significant finding is that climate change means the gas is being released from more and deeper areas of the Arctic ocean.
    Professor Minshull said: "Our survey was designed to work out how much methane might be released by future ocean warming; we did not expect to discover such strong evidence that this process has already started."
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Maddow skewers Obama on backing off the Public Option

Rachel shows that the Health Care industry, the folks making a fortune of you getting sick, is jubilant that Obama is considering getting rid of the “public option” in health care reform. The “public option” would allow you to get insurance through the government, and provide competition for the health care industry. One of the jubilant parties in the health care industry is United Healthcare – my own health insurance through work. Their stock went up considerably at the news that Obama’s health care plans are being crippled.

I want a public option for health insurance. I would immediately take it.

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