All Wrapped Up…

And just ready to have ribbons and bows put on before they go under the tree.
Presents for my girlfriend
But these are just the presents for Stephanie. I still have to wrap the presents for other people. But we’ll work on that together tomorrow.
It’s funny, when I was writing out the tags for the presents, I had to think twice every time, because it’s strange to write my own name for someone else, and I was afraid I’d label the present to me from her. We go by Stephanie and Steph, so people can sort it out in their heads, but we hardly ever actually use our names when talking to each other. We call each other “honey” all the time. Unless I’m writing about her here on the blog, or I’m trying to get her attention in a store, when I’ll use her name. And when we’re talking to my pets, I call myself “mommy” and her “other mommy”, and she does the same except when we talk to Lucy, when she’s “mommy” and I’m “other mommy.” So we don’t actually use different names, ever, but we don’t use our actual names with each other. We are weird people. But it seems to work.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. kim

    no, you’re not weird. i almost never use my partner’s name. we usually call eachother “sweetie.” granted we don’t have the same first names, it still feels weird to use our real names when talking to or about eachother. and of course when talking to our pets, it’s always “mommy” or “other mommy” too. lol.

  2. Vanessa

    Our dogs call us Mama Mel and Mama Ness. We haven’t decided if our kids are going to do the same, but I suspect we’ll still refer to each other like that. “Emma (or Elliott), go see what your Mama Mel is doing.”
    BTW, Merry Christmas!

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