I can play this meme pretty easily.
Where was I ten years ago?
This post on Same-Sex Marriage I wrote May 14, 1996, just about ten years ago. I had moved into the attic apartment at Mary Byrne’s house the summer of the year before, so I was just starting my first decade in downtown Indianapolis. I was hired to work in the web design department for my current company, which was then Macmillan Publishing, or mcp.com. I believe this was about the time I quit volunteering for a local organization when I found out they were claiming to have a lobbyist in the state legislature, and raising money based on that misleading information. I also quit working for the local pride organization that April because I was pretty redundant and no one would let me do anything.
Where was I five years ago?
My first blog post from May of 2001. I went on a “Big Things” road trip the beginning of May that year, and I was busy preparing to buy a house for the first time. I was pretty well settled into my job, and still working as a designer.
Where was I one year ago?
I was recovering from heart valve surgery, so I was home from work reading and watching lots of TV series on DVD, playing with my dog and taking mandatory walks around the block, which were hard as hell, and sometimes required me to have Stephanie helping me.
Passing it on…
Oh, whoever wants the meme. I hate tagging people.