A Shilling for Candles

Every time I read a new Josephine Tey novel, I end up saying “this is the best one she wrote.” In order that has been – The Franchise Affair, To Love and Be Wise, The Daughter of Time, The Man in the Queue, Brat Farrar (just last week) and now A Shilling for Candles.

Tey writes stellar characters and then writes effortlessly engaging dialogue for them. Other writers also do that; Christie in “Why Didn’t they ask Evans?” and Hammett in The Thin Man, of course. But Tey’s charming witty banter floats on air in a magical way. She’s just so good at it. Grant seems to be a catalyst for that sort of writing from her.

This novel – this needs to be a movie. Or a miniseries. It’s topical for one thing; the meditation on crushing levels of fame is particularly timely. The characters sparkle in a way that just begs to have real humans saying their words aloud.

This particular reprint I have is awful. I bought it years ago when it was the only one available on Amazon. It’s a print of a photocopy, reduced to fit a trim size such that the print is way too small. There are errors in the back cover copy and the biography. The cover art has nothing whatsoever to do with the book.

And despite the almost unreadable typographic problems, the story shines.

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Today – 2023-01-31

11:50 pm – Didn’t do much today except work and stay around the house. In the morning I finished outlining 7 of the 20 anti-trans bills that are going through the Indiana Statehouse. That was draining. Working on documentation for work.

Reading: Stayed up exceptionally late finishing Demon Copperhead. What an extraordinary novel. The narrator voice is fantastic.

TV Shows Watched:
Pokerface – first episode, then we discovered we have to pay the premium to buy the rest. Since we just canceled Paramount, we’re unlikely to pick up Peacock.
Vera – we’re in the 9th season and the show just seems dark.

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Today 2023-01-30

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7:09 am – breakfast and getting ready for back to work.

5:19 pm – worked on a couple projects for work all day with some short breaks to let Baxter outside and wash some sheets. Sat down to read, ended up watching TV.

TV Watching: Longmire, Bridgerton

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Today – 2023-01-29

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1:35 pm – I’ve had a headache this morning, so I’m reading in the library with Baxter hoping it will go away. I’m on page 260 of Demon Copperhead by Barbara Kingsolver and I’m still enjoying it. I have plans to run to Midland Antique Mall and see how many empty spaces we have to fill. I’ll probably do that soon. I mailed two of Stephanie’s mom’s paperback books to their new owners (sold on eBay). Incredible Hulk and The Electric Company.

2:30 pm – Midland Antique Mall. I added a couple books to our booth. Walked around and took photos of fun stuff.

They had all these large ledger books from Indiana counties for sale. Fun to look at.

5:25 pm – Potato Leek Soup made.

Recipe: https://www.onceuponachef.com/recipes/potato-leek-soup.html

TV Shows Watched
Art of Vintage
Good Doctor

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Gay Cardinal Couples for all of your Christmas needs

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Saw this picture shared on Tumblr in the middle of the night (because what else would I be doing at 3 a.m.?) with the caption “at least we queers have some representation for Christmas, if inadvertent.” Of course I had to track this holiday item down. And buy it. And also locate all the other gay cardinal couples for sale.

Animated Gay Cardinal Couple Christmas Decor
Animated Gay Cardinal Couple Christmas Decor

I started hunting on Amazon and discovered that many (if not most) cardinal loving pairs have two boys, not a boy and a girl. Like the Cardinals and Christmas Holly Snow Water Globe

And also “Cardinals on Branch Decorative Night Light

Also: “Red Cardinal Snow Globes with Music Lighted Water Globe Winter for Home Chapel Christmas Holiday Decorations

Also this “Solar Powered Hand-Painted Cardinals Orb Light” which I’m kind of thinking I also need to own because I have no idea what it’s for.

Then there’s this “Christmas Snow Globes Lantern with Music” which not only lights up but probably is playing the worst Christmas music on repeat

Flameless Candles, Cardinal Theme, (Set of 3). Flameless? I don’t think so.

Old World Christmas Pair Bird Watcher Collection Glass Blown Ornaments for Christmas Tree, Northern Cardinal

Oh, look, a pair of heterosexual cardinals. You don’t see many of those around. Cardinal Pair Wireworks Garden Chime

Okay I guess there are a couple of those kind. Resin Cardinal Pair on Tree Branch Figurine

Another Christmas Snow Globes Lantern with Music. I especially love the musical notes emanating from it.

Maybe polyamorous gay cardinals are your scene. Here to help. (Popular at the Vatican?)

Swingers? (Cardinal Figurines Christmas Red Bird Decorations)

Cardinal couples with birch trees are a theme. Handmade Ornament with Cardinals

Not a couple, but a flag of Mama Kitty with a bird she would totally eat, which is hilarious. Winter Cat Garden Flag

“We are not friends.”

Gay cardinals with bells.

If you want to personalize your gay cardinals, you can. (Someone should talk to Jackson and Emily, though.)

The third cardinal in this throuple might have some complaints. (Acrylic Ornament Engaged Custom Couple’s Name Cardinal is Personalized)

Did I post this one already? I’ve lost track. (Decorative Christmas Lantern with Cardinal and Branch)

Of course you need gay cardinal greeting cards. You are getting these cards from us in the mail.

Some more ornaments for your gay cardinal tree.

Finally found the item from the original photo over on Walmart. Totally bought this.

Animated Gay Cardinal Couple Christmas Decor
Animated Gay Cardinal Couple Christmas Decor

I’ve now made certain I will never see anything but gay cardinal advertisements in my social media timeline. (and so will you, probably.)

Doing some Christmas baking? Do it with your gay cardinal friends.

Serving a meal?

When you and your gay friends go caroling

I don’t know what a ‘diamond painting kit‘ is but it’s representation, at least.

Here’s another Christmas card celebrating gay couple families.

Here’s that music snow globe lantern in red

Festive v-neck Gay Cardinals top you can wear. With Sequin accents!

Hoodie with two gay couples.

Nice romantic gift for your gay boyfriend.

I keep expecting to run out of examples, but here we are.

Cardinal Faith Love Hope Hanging Tree Ornament

At the gay bar – lots of boy cardinals, not a girl in sight.

Maybe you want to send different Christmas cards than I just bought

There’s a distinct lack of lesbian bird representation in holiday decor, though. Maybe I can fix that.

Female Cardinal Pair
Female Cardinal Pair

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Crime shows / police procedurals I’ve been watching on Britbox

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I’ve been on a binge watching spree of Crime shows / police procedurals on Britbox/Amazon Prime. Some of these are 2021/2022 and have diverse casts with lots of female leads. Of these, I particularly like Sherwood, The Tower, Eleventh Hour and Karen Pirie. Shetland and Vera are a bit gloomy, both in setting and in mood.

Gemma Whelan, Jimmy Akingbola
Gemma Whelan, Jimmy Akingbola

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