More about the event
Crap – we're in the middle of banned books week, and I keep forgetting to blog about it. Hey, here's some info on Banned Books week. Go out and buy a banned book
Now the right wing is advocating a military coup to remove Obama from power. Can we get any more crazy up in here? because we don't have nearly enough.
links for 2009-10-01
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I wasn’t aware of banned book week. I have often wondered if people that demand a book be banned really believe that it will prevent their children from being exposed to other ideas, lifestyles, or whatever. In this day and age, anyone with a cellphone can get any book, movie or music they want.
I also want to thank you for posting these links. While I don’t check out each one, every week there are two or three that I really appreciate. Wil
Thanks, Wil! I’m glad to know that!