Excellent discussion about the gender disparity in teen sex, and how the new “permissiveness” among young people having “sex” is anti-female, just like the backlash against gay marriage.
Sea levels are projected to rise 7 to 23 inches by the end of the century. Add another 4 to 8 inches if recent, surprising melting of polar ice sheets continues. By 2100, if nothing is done, the world’s seas would eventually rise by more than 20 feet.
The world’s leading climate scientists said global warming has begun, is “very likely” caused by man, and will be unstoppable for centuries
You might admire Silverman’s boldness, or you might feel that there’s something sneaky in her appropriation of slurs that never wounded her—that it’s the standup equivalent of the person who cuts in line and then can’t believe you object.
Awesome monster clothes. And the kids bibs are great.
Wild that young people are taking up spinning wool to begin with – my mom could teach them alot; she’s an expert – but this woman built a spinning wheel of metal pipes… very cool.
Kevin Bacon launches a social networking charity site. Pretty cool. You should join. I am.
Scary. I wonder if it’s actually true that this works.
Maya Angelou’s moving tribute to her friend MollyIvins: “Whoever separated us at birth must know it did not work. We have been in the struggle for equal rights for all people since we met on that Waldorf Astoria stage.”