It’s about a nuclear terrorist attack, stupid.

Forget about who did or didn’t fix the levees, how long we knew about Katrina coming, people who refused to evacuate, building below sea level; forget all of that — because it’s just noise from the Republican spin machine.

In the event of a nuclear terrorist attack, your President and Republican-run federal government would do what they did this past week. AND YOU WOULD DIE, like the people in New Orleans.

In the event of a viral biological terrorist attack, your President and Republican-run federal government would do what they did this past week. AND YOU WOULD DIE, like the people in New Orleans.

There would be no warning, there would be no evacuation, there would be no preparation, there would be no one to help you when it happened. The total break down that happened in New Orleans, which is apparent when you listen to the accounts from people first hand; where they didn’t know whether the police were there to help them or hurt them, when they didn’t have information or directions, or any idea how to care for themselves or others, or where to go — that would be YOU IN THAT SITUATION.

And the terrorists, the REAL ones, led by Osama bin Laden, not the fake ones in Iraq, are trying to get nuclear capability or a viral biological capability, while your President is playing war games with our national guard as toys in a foreign country, when they should be here, preparing for a disaster so we don’t all get killed.