Juliet and Juliet

Apparently, Boston’s famous swan couple are a same-sex couple. Testing recently revealed that the swans who have been promoted by the city as a Shakespearean romantic dream are actually both female. How very appropriate. This, however, is not:

”Each year when the swans go in, the kids immediately come to us and say, ‘Which one’s Romeo, and which one’s Juliet?’ ” parks spokeswoman Mary Hines said yesterday in response to a Globe inquiry. ”It’s just like one of those fairy tales; why spoil it?”

How offensive that the idea that a romantic pair of female swans would be considered “spoiled.” Nice.

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Burn

    Hi Stephanie! Happy Birthday!
    I’ve been following your site for almost a year now and it never fails to teach me something new. Thank you for the time and effort you put into it.
    I hope all is well with your health!
    Happy Birthday again!

  2. Dori

    I haven’t been able to visit your site in a while, but I guess I happened to drop by again on the right day. Happy Birthday, Stephanie.

  3. Dori

    Oops. I’m a day late, aren’t I? Happy Belated Birthday!

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