Arnold vetos gay marriage bill

From Reuters: Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger vetoed a bill that would allow gay marriage in the state of California.
Now, I’m confused. First the right-wing tells us that the “activist judges” aren’t allowed to rule on gay marriage laws, saying the laws have to be written by congress, the body elected to represent the will of the people. But when congress listens to the will of the people and approves a law allowing gay marriage, Arnold vetos it.
So basically gay people aren’t allowed to be represented by either the court system that is supposed to protect us from injustices, or by the congress that we elected into office. Gay people have no voice in government, in other words.
I keep wondering when I’m going to be herded onto a train.

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Black and lesbian

    You spoke of being herded on a train. After hearing Bill Bennett mention aborting black babies in this country to reduce crime, I wonder am I living in America anymore.

  2. Black and a lesbian

    You spoke of being herded on a train. After hearing Bill Bennett mention aborting black babies in this country to reduce crime, I wonder am I living in America anymore.

  3. Black and a lesbian

    You spoke of being herded on a train. After hearing Bill Bennett mention aborting black babies in this country to reduce crime, I wonder am I living in America anymore. Even if taken out of context, what scares me is how matter-of-fact he said it.

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