Photo Uploads – Thanksgiving and December 2006

I finally managed to upload all the pictures I’ve been taking the last two months. I had half of my Thanksgiving pictures uploaded, and finally managed to get the rest online four weeks later. Recent Photo Sets:

Frosting Donuts
Frosting Donuts

Thanksgiving at Grandma's 2006
All the Thanksgiving Photos

And after Thanksgiving, Stephanie and I took a carriage ride, where she asked me to marry her…
Stephanie's Marriage Proposal
Our Carriage Ride Photos

And, finally, all my pictures from December, so far, including Christmas events, the night we got up in the middle of the night because our roof was leaking, and miscellaneous other photos.

December 2006

Dan, Me, Stephanie

Continue ReadingPhoto Uploads – Thanksgiving and December 2006

Fishers Renaissance Faire, 2006

Fishers Renaissance Faire, 2006
See all my photos from the Ren Faire.
according to the official website for the event:

The Fishers Renaissance Faire is a dynamic, cultural and experiential event in an enchanting park setting that celebrates the relationship between Fishers and its Sister City of Billericay, England while immersing faire goers in the history, habits and lifestyles of the Renaissance Period.

We had a lot of fun again this year, and among other things, Stephanie found the dress that will be the model for her wedding dress. She’s having a version of this made in white for our wedding. The filmy fabric over the top is really gorgeous, and I absolutely love the long sleeves. I didn’t get a great photo of the train though…
Stephanie's wedding dress

Continue ReadingFishers Renaissance Faire, 2006

Weekend Update 2006-09-25

Friday night we went to Hogeye Naavy’s concert for “International Talk Like a Pirate day” at the German Liederkranz Club on Washington Street.
See the concert photo album
Hogeye Naavy is a really fun band that plays sea shantys and traditional folk music of Ireland, Scotland, England, and North America. Their instruments include concertinas, bagpipes, Citterns, Pennywhistles, Irish Flutes, Irish Tenor Banjos — things you don’t hear much in a traditional concert setting any more. Their fans tend to be really interactive with the band; singing along, banging beer bottles and steins on the table in time to the music. It’s impossible not to have a great time.
The German Liederkranz Club is a German singing society with mixed choir founded in 1872. Originally a male singing society, it now has a men’s and a women’s choir with 20-25 members in each. The public is welcome to join the choirs, which maintain German culture through music, food and dancing at each program. It’s tucked back off the street next to the Fraternal Order of Police building on Washington Street.
On Saturday, Stephanie went to work on her house with her dad, and I worked on the flower beds in front of the house. Last weekend, Stephanie’s dad helped us rototill the beds because the dirt was too tightly packed to do by hand. I’m not sure they’ve been worked on anytime in the last ten years or so. This Saturday I bought another load of compost for the beds and started spreading it out, and working on putting in edgers to keep the dirt in. It was pouring rain while I was working, and at some point in the process, I gashed open my finger, but I didn’t realize it until I noticed the blood. So I stopped for the day and worked inside the house instead.
More compost
See the gardening photo album.
I finished up spreading compost Sunday morning and washed the truck, then drove all over town looking for a swimsuit, because I’m starting water aerobics classes at the Y with my friend Chi. Of course I’m looking out of season, so there wasn’t much left, but I finally found something. So we’re ballroom dancing one night, and I’m taking aerobics the next. That should be good for me. Stephanie put the “For Rent” sign out in front of her old house. Yay!
south flower bed
And Sunday night we helped Stephanie’s friends move a couch, and they provided us with pizza and great conversation, so we had a pleasant evening. Busy weekend, but fun.

Continue ReadingWeekend Update 2006-09-25