Creepy Halloween

We had 195 trick-or-treaters at our house last night. I wish I could say our house was the draw, but in reality we tend to get quite a few because there are some awesome Spooky Victorian Gothic houses on our street, and a few of the neighbors go all out decorating for the holiday.
The Motes across the street have this awesome Victorian Gothic with gargoyles on the roof.
Mote's Gothic House
This amazingly restored Victorian Stick mansion up the street is always a big draw.
And the neighbors on either side of this nicely landscaped lot put together this awesome fake graveyard that people drive over to see.
The Million dollar house

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Recent Photo Sets

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A few photos I took in Iowa

Some Photos from Bonge’s Tavern in Perkinsville, Indiana

Photos from Lori’s Birthday

Photos of my new Truck Camper Shell
Not sure if mentioned this yet or not – I bought a used camper shell for my truck to replace the tonneau cover that was such a pain in the butt to put on. I got it from someone through Craigslist – I’m glad that site is really taking off here in Indianapolis; there’s lots of great stuff on there now.

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Photos from Dan’s Birthday Cruise

Dan's Birthday Cruise
See the whole set of photos
Here are a couple of highlights:
Miami from the air
Miami from the Air
Coast Guard
Setting Sail
In Jon and Carolyn's room
In Jon and Carolyn’s stateroom
Dan, Me, Stephanie at La Te Da's in Key West
Dan, Me, Stephanie at La Te Da’s in Key West
The gang at the Southernmost Point of the US
The gang at the Southernmost Point of the US
Doug winning at Trivia
Doug winning at Trivia
Dan and birthday cake
Dan the birthday boy and his birthday cake
Mayan carvings
Mayan carvings at Tulum
Blue Caribbean Sea
Blue Caribbean Sea
Deck chair, chick lit, and fruity girly drink
Deck chair, chick lit, and fruity girly drink
Our CFO gambling away our fortune!
Our CFO gambling away our fortune!
The Gang, with Fascination Mascot
The Gang, with Fascination Mascot
Art Deco architecture
Art Deco architecture in Miami
Perez Hilton, Jonathan
Perez Hilton, Jonathan
Heather and Kai
Heather and Kai

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