Appendix Rupture

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Appendix Diagram

Well, I Never Read the Appendixes Anyway

I’m back to work today and doing a lot better. I’m still not 100% and I’m pretty tired, but I’ll be fine if I can just get home and crash tonight. This past week and a half has been hell. I’m like a human pin cushion. I was in the hospital from Wednesday through Monday morning hooked up to an IV, and they had to move that around a bunch as well as take blood once a day to test my white-blood cell count, so my arms are bruised and full of holes and I look like a junkie. I hate the hospital with a passion and if I could figure out how to get out of going back there, I would. But there’s no way I can avoid it.

But I will need to go back in and have my appendix removed in the very near future.

The whole thing started back on Wednesday, July 2nd, when I had an upset stomach and couldn’t eat anything. But I felt better on Thursday, and the July 4th weekend was great. Then Sunday I had an upset stomach again and couldn’t keep anything down — I threw-up long after I had anything left in my system. But I still thought it was just the stomach flu at that point. By Monday the 7th, though, I knew something was seriously wrong and I went to the emergency room because I couldn’t get ahold of my doctor. I was completely doubled over and the pain in my lower right side was the worst thing I’ve ever felt in my life.

They decided right away that I had gall stones, even though I wanted them to rule out appendicitis and I kept telling them the pain was lower than where they were scanning with the ultrasound. They said the tests to rule out appendicitis were too expensive, and that with women over 30 who are overweight, the problem is always gallstones. But they decided they couldn’t see anything on the ultrasound because they weren’t radiologists, and wanted a real radiologist to give me one. They filled me up with pain medication and anti-nausea medication (but no antibiotics!!!!) and sent me home to wait for an appointment at Methodist East Medical plaza, which is way over on east Washington Street. The appointment was Wednesday morning, and Kathy drove me over there. By this point my appendix had already burst. It probably happened sometime late Monday in the hospital or on Tuesday while I was at home waiting to get an appointment.

To her credit, the radiologist at Methodist East realized what was really going on pretty quickly when I told her she wasn’t scanning where the pain was actually occurring. When she started to scan where the pain was, she said, “well that’s where the appendix is,” and then stopped to look at me, and left the room. I know she went to call and arrange an emergency CT scan at the Methodist South facility because she knew my appendix had already burst and I was probably in trouble at that point. So Kathy raced me to the south side, where they hustled me into the big donut tube and confirmed that I did have ruptured appendix. And they sent Kathy and I immediately back to the Methodist emergency room downtown with the x-rays of my oozing insides.

The first thing they said when we walked into the emergency room was “why didn’t you come in here on Monday when the pain started?” You should have seen the looks on their faces when I told them I had, and they sent me home.

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I’ve Been in the Hospital

I’ve been in the hospital all week. I went to the emergency room last Monday because I had a massive pain in my right side caused by appendicitis, and they mis-diagnosed it as gall stones. So while they were running me all over town to get tests at the various Methodist facilities, my appendix burst. So I’ve been stuck in a hospital bed all week while they tried to control the inflamation and get me in decent shape. I should go back in a few weeks to get my appendix removed.

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My Love Life

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A couple of people have asked me about my page on Friendster, and why it says I’m single. Here’s the scoop, so I don’t have to write a bunch of e-mails about it. Kathy and I aren’t dating anymore, but we’re still good friends. Basically, she’s dealing with a lot of stuff right now; she’s finishing her Masters and looking for a job, which is stressful. She’s also in an intense place in her therapy, dealing with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and our romantic relationship wasn’t helping with her therapy. So we decided to evolve our relationship, because her healing is the most important thing. Kathy is really my best friend; she knows me better than anyone and I love her with all my heart. So there you go.

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Halfway Point

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I turned 35 on Friday. I guess that’s something I should mention. My family all send me warm thoughts, which is so nice. Other than that, the day passed pretty uneventfully. I did a lot of garage sale shopping, and then went out to dinner with Kathy, Dan and Doug.
I’m not sure what to think about being 35. What makes me most unhappy about that is that if I do want to have a child, I have to do something about it in the next two or three years, and I’m so not prepared for that, financially or relationship-wise. Part of the reason I bought the house was to accomodate that, but I’m not sure I want to have a child in this house. Or that I want to have a child, for that matter. But the idea that I might not be able to someday scares me also.

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Kid Lexicon

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When we were kids, my mother used to tease us she would “leave us out for the the garbage man to take us.” My younger brother Scott, who was really small, got “garbage man” confused with “government” — and so he would tell the neighbors that mom was going to leave us out for the goverment to pick us up. Scott was really afraid of the government. Scott also couldn’t pronouce the word “fire truck” — the ‘tr” came out as an “f”. Which was really entertaining when he would run around with his firetruck shouting the name of it.

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Ban Trans Fats Site

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A really interesting web site on Trans Fats and how unhealthy they are. Update: site has gone away, but read more here.

I had previously read a lot about them in Dr. Atkin’s New Diet Revolution and also in The Okinawa Program. Both of them say essentially the same thing; that trans fats lower good cholesterol and raise bad cholesterol, and that they are not required to be listed on the the nutrition labels, so people have no idea how much of this stuff they’re consuming. Here’s a study from Harvard that explains pretty well what Trans Fats are and how they affect you.

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Calling all Ball State Gay Alumni

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The current Ball State Gay and Lesbian Student Association [called “Spectrum”] is seeking GLBT alumni to contact them. They would like to get 200 alums to send in contact information (name, address, phone, etc.) to be listed with the University Alumni Association, so they can be and official part of the Alumni Association, which means they would then get some phat cash.
Even if they can’t round up that many, they’d definitely like to have an informal Alumni Association and have some event during Homecoming/Proud Week, which both happen to conveniently occur at the same time. (Hmm, wonder who planned that years ago?) You all know you want to go to homecoming and party on campus as a well-adjusted openly gay person, instead of as the closeted geek you were then.
E-mail the kids at and tell them you want to be included, and send all your info. Shit, I probably know 100 alumni myself. Y’all better write them.

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