2012 Resolutions Check In – January

It’s not quite the end of January, but I thought I’d check in a bit early on my year’s goals because next weekend promises to be chaotic both “internally” (meaning: with my own writing plans) and “externally” (meaning: with the Super Bowl going on in the city and whatnot). So how am I doing?

1) Writing: January – I resolve to…schedule a regular writing time.
Crappy! I tried to schedule lunch time to write, but there’s too much going on at work to allow for it. I can’t manage to get out of a warm bed to sit in front of a cold computer in the mornings, and post-work has been filled with other rowing, knitting, reading and other household chores. I need to get it together.

My February plans should help get this one solidified: I’m going to write 25,000 words in February; approximately 1,000 words a day, on my novel to get it truly complete. That’s a pretty sedate pace compared to NaNoWriMo’s 1,667 words-per-day requirement, but it will get my novel really finished.

2) Rowing:
Eh. The first few weeks I did well and even went in to erg on the weekend outside of class, but I took last week off because I was sick, so I’m behind the curve here too. Gotta catch up this week.

3) Produce more than I consume:
Pretty damned good. I’ve been knitting up a storm, finishing a number of projects I had started and getting others moved along nicely. I edited lots of my photos, too. I do need to can some of the junk reading and redirect my attention to more important stuff, and I have watched a lot of TV, but I’ve cut way back on spending on clothes and entertaining items. We’ve been pretty good about eating at home instead of going out, limiting the restaurant visits to other people’s birthdays and such, for the most part. We could do better, but we haven’t been terrible, either.

4) General home organizing stuff
Pretty damned good. I have another “off the books” goal of building more structure and scheduling into some of our household organization/cleaning, and I’m really happy at how I’ve been able to keep up with some of those routine tasks.

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New Year’s Resolutions – 2012

Father TimeA bit past the first of the year, but I had to spend some time working out what I want to do, and that took some time. This year I have three resolutions:

1) Follow the 12 month writing resolutions plan that I wrote about previously.

2) Keep up with rowing in the new year. I don’t anticipate that being a problem, given that I’m taking a class and there’s stuff I have to learn, so I can’t really opt out. And also I LOVE rowing. The endorphin high after practice is amazing.

3) And produce more than I consume – a goal I looked at in April of last year. I considered trying at least 1 day and preferably 2 days to produced more than I consumed. I promptly forgot that I made the goal, but I didn’t do to badly at it in November, at least. I do enjoy television, but I need to kick some shows off the roster. And for the past year, I knit while I watch TV, so I’m at least keeping the producing and consuming neck and neck there.

I always have the impulse to attempt New Year’s Resolutions, even though I often give them up part way into the year. And I’ve been plenty pragmatic about it in the past; attempting to take on funny goals, or to consider them as aspirations and things to strive for.

I’m going to do the same this year – I’m not going to beat myself up or give up in disgust if I don’t accomplish each task every day; this is about building new habits, and that takes trial and error, so I need to fail and retry to succeed. So if I miss a day, I’ll start over and try to get to a place where I’m doing the new thing most of the time.

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CD Ripping Project

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I’ve had the last several days off work here at the end of the year, so I’ve been working on re-ripping all of our CDs to mp3 format. Several years back we had a hard-drive crash and I’m trying to recover a lot of my music. I’ve been ripping Stephanie’s CDs here and there for a while, but I’m trying to make a concerted effort to get a bigger chunk of our music done.

We store our CDs in boxes like this one – they hold around 95 CDs, and we have 13 boxes full of them – so something like 1200 CDs. Right now they’re stacked in the library, but I’d like to get them ripped and put on shelves in the basement out of the way.

CD storage

It’s not going great, actually. It’s taking forever, and I’m concerned I won’t get finished in my time off here at the end of the year. I have 5 boxes ripped, but only 1 and a half of them over the last 2 days. This is going to be a longer project than I expected, and I’m frustrated because I had novel editing plans for January and this is going to chew into them. I don’t want to leave this project strung out and half done, because it involves getting into and out of boxes and re-stacking them, and the goal is to get the CDs organized in the boxes better before I put them downstairs, too. If it’s left all over the living room while I run in and out the door to work and do this in my spare time, the potential for stuff to get messed up or missed or screwed up increases exponentially. So this has been a frustrating few days. I don’t remember this taking this long in the past. Although in the past I wasn’t working with both of our music libraries and I wasn’t doing them all at once, either. So bigger project than I expected.

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I really fucking love rowing

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So, I joined a rowing class for the next couple months. Not in boats, at least not for winter – it’s indoor rowing on Ergometers. It’s a class through the Indianapolis Rowing Center, and it’s their winter training through January and February. The winter classes are held at the Rivera Club near 56th and Meridian.

Concept 2 Rowing Machine
Concept 2 Rowing Machine

I’ve attended 4 classes (classes? training sessions? I don’t know) and it’s hard, but I really enjoy it. This evening we had relay races where teams of 4 people rowed intervals of 500 meters each for 5 rotations, for a total of 2,500 meters each. I actually managed to keep up through all 5 rounds; I was shocked. After the first, I thought there was no way I could do it, but I was able to make it all the way through.

And the thing is, after class, I always feel AWESOME. I have such a massive endorphin high right now. Tomorrow I’m going to be pretty stiff, but I’ll worry about that then.
I decided to look into learning rowing because I actually have a character in my NaNoWriMo novel who is a collegiate rower, and I knew that I wasn’t doing a good job writing about her competing because I had no idea what it was actually about. Reading about it can only take you so far…
What I’ll do at the end of February, I’m not sure. I’d like to row in a boat, but I’ll have to see if I’m fit enough to do that.

Rowing Sunset
Rowing Sunset
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We totally put this flag on the mailbox

We totally put this flag on the mailbox

We did a bunch of cleaning and repair work at the rental house over the weekend. We had thought we were done, but the property manager came back with a big fat list of stuff they wanted done before they would agree to list the house. So back over there we went to knock out a bunch of them. One of them was putting a new flag on the mail box because the last renters ripped it off. Who does that, really? How odd.

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Bike Trailer Cart Project

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Hell, now that I have to blog for real instead of just saving links, I may as well go for broke. Here’s something I’ve been working on lately – making a cargo trailer for my bike out of an old kids bike trailer. I picked one up for $3 at the Goodwill Outlet. That’s a nice price if you’ve ever gone shopping for kids bike trailers – even if they are beat up and crappy, people generally want $20 bucks for them on craigslist.

The first thing I did was strip off the ragged cloth cover stuff to expose the frame.

Bike Cart Project

Then I started looking at how the upper supports worked. I didn’t think I needed all the framework on top, and I wanted a wider area for the wooden deck, so I flipped some of the frame to the outside of the cart.

Bike Cart Project

The frame, dismantled and reassembled. I kept a couple of upright supports to attach some side panels of some sort to.

Bike Cart Project

We had some scrap tongue and groove boards in the garage from when we had our balcony porch floor repaired, and they were the perfect size.

Bike Cart Project

So I fitted some together.

Bike Cart Project

I ended up taking a brief detour through the basement to assemble various tools I’d need to put the wood deck for the trailer together. If you are interested in starting a tool business, by Clicking Here you can learn about various tools and run your business effectively. Stephanie’s dad has given us lots of tools over the years; he’s very concerned that Stephanie be able to do things for herself, so he has basically outfitted our basement with every power tool a gay girl could desire. He’s kind of a lesbian dream dad, actually. Here are some of the things we’ve been given:

These are all various drill bits and screw driver bits for the 7 drills we own.

Bike Cart Project

Chisels, files and planes.

Bike Cart Project

Box 1 of 3 boxes of clamps. For the sake of brevity, I’ll refrain from posting the other two pictures of clamp boxes.

Bike Cart Project

For all your cuphook and eye hook needs. I will need some of these for cargo nets.

Bike Cart Project

Every size of vice grip you could need. We can certainly get a good grip on our vice around here.

Bike Cart Project

Tool detour finished, I screwed together the deck boards and sanded them down. I thought about trimming some of the boards to get them all exactly the same width, but decided it looked sort of cute with ragged edges. I also cut out slots where the upright pieces of the frame will fit in.

Bike Cart Project

After sanding everything down, I put a coat of water sealant on the boards to help preserve them since they’ll be out in the rain.

Bike Cart Project

After letting the water sealant dry for a week, I started painting. I don’t know if I really needed to paint it, but I’ve been dying to paint something this bright blue color I found in the basement; Cerulean Blue, according to the can.

Bike Cart Project

And that’s where I am on the project – I have one more coat of paint for the wood and then I’ll be able to attach it to the frame. After that I’ll have to figure out exactly what I want to do about side panels. I have some plastic lawn chair webbing from days gone by that I can create a frame for, or I could attach wooden slats for the sides. I may go with the webbing to avoid extra weight; I want to be able to pull the trailer easily.

UPDATE: the mostly-finished cart is here…

Mostly finished bike cart

Basically, I just strap everything down with bungees right now. I still haven’t figured out how to finish the sides.

2022-03-12 Update: I never actually attached this to my bike, and I sold it to a guy in 2019 through Facebook Marketplace, and he was delighted by it.
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Wonder Woman, Batwoman and the new DC Comics

I’ve always been on the verge of being a comic book geek, without every quite arriving. As a kid I was a fan of the girl super heroes — I loved Wonder Woman, Isis and Batgirl on television, but my family wasn’t much into comic books and my lack of transport to a comics shop as a kid meant neither was I.

Wonder Woman Lynda Carter
Wonder Woman Lynda Carter

I was so disappointed that my Wonder Woman halloween costume at six years old looked nothing like this!

The closest I came in my formative years was having a friend in college who had gobs of them that I read obsessively. But I was too poor to buy any myself at the time.

Me in College

Oh look, me reading the Green Arrow in college. Nice hair!

As an adult, pop culture has kept me vaguely aware of the developments around my childhood superhero favorites. My first online fake identity was a Batgirl anonymous account. I have my own superhero nickname (obviously!) and logo – even t-shirts. Many years ago, I fantasized about being Batgirl. I wanted to kiss Wonder Woman (wow, that page needs an update). I even have an awesome college-era t-shirt of Batgirl performing oral sex on Wonder Woman over the handlebars of her motorcycle in my t-shirt archive. (I should post a photo of that, shouldn’t I?)

Bat Girl On Bat Cycle
Bat Girl On Bat Cycle

Seriously, the TV show motorcycle had lace on it? I totes did not remember that at all.

But venturing into comic book stores always seemed like too steep of a time commitment/ learning curve for a hobby that seems to appeal mainly to teen boys. Too many titles, too many diverging story lines – how do I tell what I’ve read and what I haven’t? I vaguely knew that there was a Batwoman comic, and that the character was gay, but I didn’t go out of my way to research that much.

But things have changed… I started reading themarysue.com (A Guide to Girl Geek Culture) several months back – (how did I not know about this site before?!) and they cover female comic book heroes pretty extensively, which means I’ve jumped over a bit of the learning curve. And there are some major changes going on at DC Comics right now that make a difference. The company has been struggling financially with many of their titles for awhile, and so is doing a reboot of the every product they have – called the New 52 or DCNU, they’re streamlining their titles and hitting the reset button on story lines.

Beginning in September, all of their comic books will start with a new issue #1. There will be new Batgirl, new Batwoman, new Birds of Prey, and new Wonder Woman story lines among many others – and an easy way for me to jump in and wrap my head around the characters.

Unfortunately, there will be fewer female characters in the New 52, and fewer female writers. This was an issue that brought up by several female fans in panels at Comic Con recently [How Batgirl took on DC Comics: the anatomy of a PR crisis] – and DC reacted rather poorly to the challenge, with one co-publisher blaming women for not voting with their dollars. Not really a valid argument, but still, I can counter that by supporting my favorite super hero characters by setting up series subscriptions.

So I went into the local comic book shop (Downtown Comics – the Castleton Branch) on the recommendation of my friend Jason, who is an occasionally employee there, and I set up subscriptions to collect my favorite comic book characters:

Wonder Woman
Wonder Woman
Bat Girl
Bat Girl
Birds of Prey
Birds of Prey

While I was there, I picked up some of the graphic novels for recent story lines for each of the characters. All of the stories will get a reboot in September, but I’ve been catching up on many of the recent incarnations.

And there’s another pressing question in the world of comic book women: whether the new Wonder Woman will be allowed to keep her (recently acquired) pants. Art from the new series has been drawn both ways – pants on and pants off.

Wonder Woman With Pants
With Pants
Wonder Woman Sans Pants
Sans Pants

One comic book fan (Mario Pieda) suggested this alternative:

JLA No Pants
Who’s wearing the pants now?

In the question of “pants or no pants” I’d like to throw in my vote of (shockingly!!) “pants” because she looks more badass wearing them. Note that this would be the only situation that I will ever vote in favor of “pants” over “no pants.” It would be nice if Wonder Woman were to continue on without looking quite like such a hooker, frankly. Not to slut shame Wonder Woman or anything, but really, don’t those star-spangled underwear ride up your butt when you’re kicking ass, woman? How much fun could it be to save the planet with a Wonder Wedgie?

I’m aware that at 43 years old, a new comic book obsession is probably a mid-life crisis of sorts. But it’s cheaper than a sports car. I hope.

Bat Girl Return Books
Bat Girl Return Books
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