Sarah Haskins – Target Women: Chocolate

Usually, the point of Target: Women is to highlight how inane and absurd advertising targeted to women is — pointing out where ads insult women’s intelligence and where they try to create an artificial demand for stuff we don’t really want or need. The problem is in the case of chocolate, I actually DO want to eat chocolate. So this was a funny video, but at the same time, I was watching the microwave brownie commercial and thinking “ooooo, I want that!”

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Oprah interviews Kate Winslet

Oprah interviewing Kate Winslet after her two golden globe wins for Revolutionary Road and The Reader. In this clip, Oprah is talking about scenes from The Reader.

Note – in searching for links for this clip, I couldn’t find news sites that DIDN’T make double entendres with their “Winslet’s Golden Globes!” headlines. Golden indeed. Dorothy Snarker provides lots of pictures of Kate and her assets.

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