Nancy Drew “Girl Detective” T-shirt

I’ve loved Nancy Drew since I was a kid, and I had a cool shirt with Pamela Sue Martin’s face on in when I was in elementary school. I always wished I had one with the silhouette on it, so I made one for myself. And you, if you want to buy one. They’re for sale on

Nancy Drew T-shirt

Nancy Drew T-shirt

I also put the design on a iPad case, if you’d like to carry your Girl Detective around that way instead.

Nancy Drew iPad Cover

Nancy Drew iPad Cover

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Welcome to Brighton, Iowa Shirt

Welcome to Brighton, Iowa

Brighton, Iowa is the small town my dad’s family is from – my grandparents owned a family farm there for over 80 years and many of my extended family members still live there.

Until a few years ago, there was a painted sign when you entered town that said “Welcome to Brighton, Home of Lake Darling State Park” with a drawing of the lake on it – it was charming and I remember it from when I was a kid visiting grandma’s house; we’d look for the sign when we drove into town. A couple years ago the town replaced the worn and peeling sign with a new stone monument that says “Brighton, Iowa” on it – perfectly understandable because the sign was really showing its age. But I do miss seeing the old sign, so I took an old photo I had and recreated it to put on a t-shirt, which I’ve put up on my Redbubble Account for purchase.

Brighton Iowa Sign
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Captain Marvel T-Shirt

I added my first Marvel Comics title to my comic book pull list today – Captain Marvel. The “new” Captain Marvel is the former “Ms. Marvel” — Carol Danvers the female adjunct to Captain Marvel from the old comics, before he died. She’s had a comic for years, but Marvel has reworked her costume and has her taking over the title of “Captain” in this new series.

The story is not too bad; a little heavy on the overt “girl power!” charge at the beginning of the book; with the villain taunting Danvers with sexist remarks while she and Captain America battle him, and of course she wins the day, because “girls are awesome! I thought none of that really needed to be said, but the rest of the story was great, with Danvers working through her reluctance to take on the title of “Captain” from her old friend and mentor.

And hands down, the new costume is my favorite superhero costume ever, knocking my former favorite – Captain America – into the dust. It’s pretty damned awesome. I love it so much, I made a t-shirt design inspired by it, that you can buy at this link on Red Bubble. Unfortunately, they made me take the design down.

Captain Marvel Shirt Design
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Produce as much as you consume project

In the spirit of this article I linked to the other day on Jimiyo, And a challenge from the unmarketing blog on twitter: “For one day this week, stop consuming info and create something.”

I’m going to try to set aside at least one day a week, (Saturdays) and possibly two (Wednesdays) in which I produce rather than consuming. I’m trying it today – not reading books, not watching TV, not reading on the internet. Just designing, photography, writing, knitting, singing, gardening, exercising. I sure shouldn’t be bored.

Wednesdays shouldn’t be too hard – we already spend the evenings in knitting class, and Wednesday mornings are one of my workout days, so it’s just being disciplined during the day that’s the key.

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Things I totally did not do at work

“The Tiger could be riding atop a firebolt that is dripping blood, while holding a scotch in one hand and a snickers in the other.”

Tiger's Blood Winning Winners Shirt Design
Tiger’s Blood Winning Winners Shirt Design

The results of a far-ranging discussion about what our team name and t-shirt design should be for the Global Corporate Challenge that our company is participating in at work.

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I heart Franklin Gothic

Font Compare

I really do.

Font Compare 2

Here it’s a lot more apparently why Franklin Gothic is better – the fanciful lowercase g, the Sturdy uppercase M. In Century Gothic and Futura, the M looks like it’s about to do the splits. In Century Gothic, the lowercase g is so round your eye bounces right off of it. Blech.

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All in a day’s work

One of the best things about working for a big corporation is that you get to see real life examples of the Peter Principle in action. For example, I actually really received this as a note on a design I’m working on for a couple people very high up in our company:

Add a search result to the bottom of the list that represents a community contribution. The price should be “free”. See “Microfinance – community content” below for content. You should not elongate the page, but rather shrink the “Source” column and those graphics to as small as possible, and enlarge the “Summary” column. That should give you enough room.

Yes. Yes it should. If I were designing a book, poster or flyer, rather than a website. Sigh.

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