links for 2010-12-16

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links for 2010-12-06

  • "For a piece called Metropolis II, artist Chris Burden is building a huge track and put 1200 Hot Wheels cars on it" – I hate this guy, because I want to do what he's doing. 🙂 How do people make a living playing with cars?
  • Richard Koos is my mom's uncle — "An unsung hero of the decision not to abort the landing is Richard Koos, a NASA simulation supervisor who, on the afternoon of July 5, 11 days before the launch of Apollo 11, put the team of controllers including Bales, Garman, and capcom astronaut Charlie Duke, through a simulation that intentionally triggered a 1201 alarm."
    (tags: NASA Koos family)
Continue Readinglinks for 2010-12-06